
GIZ Vacancy: Junior Advisor & Advisor for SREGIP, Jakarta

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. Its corporate objective is to improve people’s living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The Sustainable Regional Economic Growth and Investment Program (SREGIP) have started in January 2015 and move the focus to Bappenas’ and other relevant national and regional partners’ capacities in improving national policies and regulations relevant to achieve the project objectives. The activities on the national level will address the need to improve the business environment and the service delivery for the SME in the selected value chains. It will offer advisory services for example to improve the business and investment climate, the national strategies and frameworks for sustainable tourism and agribusiness, mechanisms to foster innovation in the private sector, etc.
SREGIP is looking for 1 (one) qualified Indonesian candidate for the position of Junior Advisor & Advisor for Sustainable Agriculture.
  1. Responsibilities
    The (Junior-)Advisor provides support for:
  • the senior advisor in coordinating and carrying out  project activities with counterparts and other stakeholders;
  • carrying out specific  tasks which are required for planning and implementation of projects or programmes in the field of Sustainable agriculture;,
  • carrying out specific tasks in connection with knowledge management and monitoring for the project/ programme
The junior advisor performs the following tasks:
    B.    Tasks
  1. Coordination and implementation of project activities
    The (Junior-)Advisor
  • supports project and activity planning of SREGIP West Kalimantan with close contact to the Partner Organisation (Dinas Plantation) and other stakeholders, e.g. BAPPEDA;
  • contributes his/her knowledge and ideas, especially in composing presentations and reports, such as result chains and annual work plan;
  • supports the implementation of the project activities in sustainable agriculture and related working fields; especially in advising the Partner Organization in Sustainable Agriculture as well as supporting training and coaching activities for farmer groups or service provider
  • supports the development and implementation of partnerships with the private sector as well as with public of private service providers like input suppliers, credit unions, universities, NGOs, etc.
  • assists with planning, coordinating, organization and documentation of meetings, workshops, seminars and other project activities with a focus on technical aspects;
  • attends the exchange meeting (jour fixe meeting) together with the SREGIP team West Kalimantan on a routine basis;
  • assists short-term experts assigned to SREGIP West Kalimantan in completing their tasks;
    2.    Research
    The (Junior-)Advisor    
  • assists data collection-related to sustainable agriculture
    3.    Knowledge management and monitoring
    The (Junior-)Advisor
  • assists in drawing up reports and translates important documents, such as regulations, concepts, strategy papers, minutes, etc.;
  • supports project monitoring and updates information on project progress, documents and reports regularly on the status of results;
  • translates from Indonesian to English and vice versa during meetings and conversations;
  • assists in communicating, updating and collecting information on relevant data as requested by the senior advisor / principal advisor for SREGIP;
  • maintains the filing system of the office, including the electronic filing system as well as the paper filing system in close coordination with the Administrative Professional of SREGIP
  • assists with PR work for the project/program;
    4.    Support for project administration
    The (Junior-)Advisor
  • assists in administration in close collaboration with the Administrative Professional of SREGIP West Kalimantan
  • supports organization and coordination of meetings and workshops with local stakeholders;
  • assists with recording and documenting the results of all activities;
  • moderates meetings/workshops in connection with project activities
    5.    General obligations
    The (Junior-)Advisor
  • is familiar with GIZ planning, implementation and reporting procedures and their changes;
  • is familiar with other programme components and GIZ-assisted measures, concepts and status of implementation and knows the corresponding experts and staff;
  • represents the interest of the GIZ-assisted measure and always acts on its behalf;
  • carries out important tasks for the SREGIP programme, even if these are not explicitly cited in the job description.
    6.    Other duties/additional tasks
    The (Junior-)Advisor
  • identifies, builds up and maintains communication and liaison issues between the project and local partners and other concerned parties;
  • is responsible for general guidance of international personnel in intercultural communication;
  • performs additional duties and tasks at the request of senior advisor or SREGIP management.
    C.    Required qualifications, competences and experience
       Qualifications :
  • University degree in agriculture management or related field 
    Professional experience
  • 3 years working experience - in the field of sustainable agriculture with good understanding of sustainable business aspects (Rubber and Pepper development experienced is desirable)
    Other knowledge, additional competences
  • Good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office, Access or other database programme);
  • Good knowledge of English in speaking and writing, ideally a knowledge of German;
  • Working experience in an international context;
  • Working experience in Kalimantan’s agriculture sector is desirable;
  • Willingness to upskill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management.
  • Willingness to work with farmer groups in remote areas of West Kalimantan
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH /
Sustainable Regional Economic Growth and Investment Program (SREGIP)
Attn. Mr. Frank Bertelmann
by e-mail to: Jakarta@red.or.id
The closing date for applications is 18 February 2015