
USAID - IUWASH Vacancy: Climate Change Adaptation Specialist, Indonesian

The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a sixty-month program (2011 – 2016) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of DAI. IUWASH works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in Indonesia’s urban areas. The overall goal of IUWASH is to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in making significant progress in achieving its safe water and sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets by expanding access to these services.

To achieve the above, assistance provided by the project is divided under three main technical components, including: 
  1. Mobilizing demand for WatSan service delivery; 
  2. Improving and expanding capacity for WatSan service delivery; and
  3. Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.
To achieve the above, IUWASH works closely with a wide range of local partners, including: local water utilities, local and national government institutions, private sector agencies, other donors, NGOs.

The primary objective of this position is to support improved access to piped water services through safeguarding the protection of existing and future water supply systems of the local water service providers (PDAM). Within this context and taking the climate change into consideration, IUWASH facilitates the development of Climate Change Adaptation Plans (CCAP) to build and improve adaptive capacity of PDAM. CCAP are developed based on existing and future water demand combined with results of Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA), risk analysis, and development of adaptation option conducted with all relevant stakeholders, including PDAM, local government, as well as national government in each IUWASH location.

Responsibilities of the CCA Specialist include, but are not be limited to the following:

  • The CCA Specialist leads the development of report on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan (CCVAAP) based on:
    • CCVA (Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment), 
    • Stakeholders discussions on Assets Risk Matrix (ARM) and adaptation options
  • To ensure that all important information are captured for development of CCVAAP report, the CCA Specialist takes part along the development of CCVA and stakeholder discussions on ARM and adaptation options in districts/municipalities implementing CCVAAP. During these discussions/consultation, she/he works in close coordination with regional team, primarily UWSS (Urban Water Supply Specialist). In addition, the CCA Specialist takes part in discussion and consultation with policy/decision maker once the CCVAAP completed to particularly help build commitment of local government to support and implement the adaptation options developed through stakeholder discussions.
  • The CCA Specialist acts as and has the role of IUWASH liaison that will work primarily with national stakeholders and as necessary with provincial stakeholders to:
    • Ensure that the CCVVAPs being developed are in alignment with guidance of relevant national (and provincial) agencies,
    • Develop recommendations or inputs that would contribute to related national (and provincial) agencies relevant to their roles and efforts on climate change adaptation,
    • As necessary facilitate (open opportunity for) support of national (and provincial) agencies toward IUWASH assisted district/municipality implementing CCVAAP.
  • For the above, the CCA Specialist works with national (and provincial) agencies, as necessary, that include: 
    • National: Bappenas, DNPI, Kementerian LH, BNPB, Kementerian PU, and ICCTF, and 
    • Provincial: Bappeda, DDPI (if any), BLH, BPBD, Pokja/Tim RAD API (if any).
Note: for district/municipality level, the CCA Specialist coordinates with regional GS/UWSS (and other regional LTTA as necessary)

Other Tasks
The LTTA facilitates and/or takes part in other activities that include:
  • National events such as lessons learned/dissemination workshop,
  • Development of toolkit and training module,
  • Training program for IUWASH partners and stakeholder,
  • As necessary, cross visit program across IUWASH assisted districts/municipalities implementing CCVAAP,
  • Development of inputs or advice for improvements of IUWASH’s CCVAAP program,
  • Bachelor degree (preferably Master degree) in Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Climatology/Climate Change, Water Resources, or Hydrogeology/Geology
  • At least five years of experience in development programs, preferably in environment management, climate change, water supply, and/or water resources sectors
  • Experience in report writing, particularly in areas of climate change, environment, water supply, and/or water resources sectors/issues (samples of reports/publication need to be provided)
  • Strong skills and ability to communicate and engage effectively with broad range of stakeholders (government agencies, NGOs, universities, water companies, private sectors, and media) in climate change, water resources, or water supply sector
  • Experience with development programs in climate change and water sector, and experience with USAID programs is highly desirable
  • Excellent English proficiency (written and oral communication)
  • Computer proficiency in general office software applications (i.e. Word, Excel, etc.)
Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to IUWASH.recruitment@gmail.com by 2 (two) weeks from the advertisement. Please attach recent CV and sample of report/publication (in Bahasa Indonesia and English-if any) max 1 MB in doc/docx or pdf format (text only-no pictures/graphs, etc.). Please write the job CODE in the subject line of the email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.