
UNDP Indonesia Vacancy: Data Collector for REDD+ Program in Jambi

Reference No: IC/UNDP/REDD+/030/2014
Country: Indonesia
Description of the assignment: Data Collector for REDD+ Program in Jambi  (National, 1 post)
Project name: REDD+
Period of assignment/services (if applicable):  March 2014 to June 2014

To apply for this position, please go to the following link to download a full set of application documents :  HERE

Proposal should be submitted by email to redd-bids.id@undp.org cc to aryani.amir@undp.org; tony.hutabarat@undp.org  no later than 26 March 2014.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated above. UNDP Redd+ Project will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

Context of the REDD+ initiative:
Indonesia is the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the world’s largest emitter from agriculture, forestry and other land use. Over the past five years, Indonesia’s annual deforestation rate has averaged around 1 million hectares, which contributes to an estimated 87 percent of Indonesia’s annual emissions. In response to this situation, in 2009, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, made a voluntary commitment to the world to reduce emissions as much as 26 percent under a business-as-usual scenario or up to 41 percent with international support by 2020.
According to the Second National Communication from Indonesia to the UNFCCC, Indonesia is expected to emit around 2.9 million metric tons (gigatons) by 2020 under the business-as-usual scenario. A commitment to reduce that amount by 26 percent would mean a reduction of 0.8 gigatons, while 41 percent would amount to a reduction of 1.2 gigatons. A reduction from an expected 2.9 to 1.7 gigatons by 2020 is a challenging commitment for a country aiming to maintain its 7 percent annual growth rate. Nevertheless, this commitment has been translated into a comprehensive National Action Plan known as RAN-GRK (PP 61/2011).
The National Action Plan for the Reduction of Green-house Gas Emissions (RAN-GRK) estimates that 87 percent of the emission-reduction target - approximately 1 gigaton - relates directly to the forestry and peat land sectors and, to address this, the government has adopted an incentive mechanism to improve management of the country’s vast forest resources while supporting climate-change mitigation. This mechanism, known as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), has five primary objectives: (a) reduction of deforestation; (b) reduction of forest degradation; (c) conservation of carbon stocks; (d) sustainable forest management; and (e) enhancing carbon stocks.
On 26 May 2010 the Governments of Indonesia and Norway signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) to establish a REDD+ Partnership. The first phase of this REDD+ Partnership (Phase 1) was to establish an agency with the capacity to implement and manage REDD+ projects initially in the pilot province Central Kalimantan and progressively in other priority provinces across Indonesia. A Task Force (Satuan Tugas, Satgas) was established to support this initial phase and, as of June 2013 at the end of the Task Force’s mandate, the following progress was achieved:
·    Drafting of an integrated Presidential Regulation regarding the establishment of a REDD+ Agency and governance of REDD+ in Indonesia;
·    Finalisation of a REDD+ National Strategy (Stranas) and development of Provincial Strategies and Action Plans (PSAPs) for the eleven priority provinces;
·    Agreement on, and legal basis for, the structure and operations of a REDD+ Financial Instrument (FREDDI); its implementation awaits the establishment of the REDD+ Agency and the subsequent release of funding for Phase 2 of the LoI;
·    A methodology for the structure and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the MRV technical unit; while international standards and an international/national REDD+ registry remain in development, the unit is ready for mobilisation following the establishment of the REDD+ Agency;
·    Legal review of regulatory requirements related to REDD+ implementation in particular land tenure, forest and peat-land governance, forest monitoring and law enforcement, consolidation of land concessions, and a Moratorium on all new concessions for conversion of peat and natural forest in Indonesia; and
·    Successful implementation of a wide range of projects by the REDD+ Task Force in the pilot province Central Kalimantan with a focus on developing an operational capacity and an enabling environment for REDD+ projects.
These achievements have prepared a basic foundation for a future REDD+ national programme that aims to address the emission-reduction target for the forestry and peat-land sectors and the national long-term goals associated with sustainable economic development and poverty reduction.
Context of this ToR:
As the REDD+ Task Force ended its mandate in June 2013, the second phase of the Indonesian-Norway partnership commenced. Through Presidential Regulation No. 62 Year 2013, the President has announced the establishment of REDD+ Agency in Indonesia. In the initial phase, REDD+ Task Force had conducted several programs and activities in relations to legal audit and license review in Central Kalimantan, as the pilot province. Continuing the program in Central Kalimantan, REDD+ Agency is now conducting legal audit and legal compliance activities in Jambi and East Kalimantan. For Jambi, the activities are on-going and they are expected to finish in June 2014.
It is in this context that UNDP is seeking to engage Data Collector for REDD+ Program in Jambi to assist REDD+ Agency in strengthening coordination with the provincial government of Jambi; providing intensive assistance to Jambi government in implementing REDD+; and supervising the team in Jambi in conducting activities related to licensing plantations and mines, the supervision of licensing information system.  
Objectives of Assignment:
The objectives of this assignment is to succeed REDD+ program in Jambi province under Cooperation Agreement between REDD+ Task Force (continuing by UKP-PPP) and Jambi Government by:
1.       Strengthening coordination between UKP-PPP Special Team for REDD+ with Jambi Provincial Government in reviewing the licensing system in Jambi;
2.       Providing intensive assistance to Jambi Government in Implementing REDD+ project to review the licensing system in Jambi;  
3.       Being the liaison between the Special Team for REDD+ and the provincial government of Jambi regarding the review of the licensing system in Jambi;
4.       Assisting and supporting the team in Jambi in conducting activities related to licensing plantations and mines, and the provision of licensing information system.

Scope of work:

·       Assisting local government in archiving the licenses related to licensing information system; assisting the digitizing process;
·       Assisting the implementation of legal audit and legal compliance by the law firm appointed in Muaro Jambi, Merangin and Tebo;
·       Assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi to promote Licensing Information System (SIP) to local government units (SKPD) in Muaro Jambi, Merangin and Tebo;
.   Assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi in developing Recommendations on legal action against the respective companies and Recommendations for strengthening policy in district and provincial levels


Due Date
·          Report on assisting local government in archiving the licenses related to licensing information system; assisting the digitizing process
·          All documents related to licensing information system are systematically arranged
·          Report on assisting the implementation of legal audit and legal compliance by the law firm appointed in Muaro Jambi
·          Report on assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi in promoting Licensing Information System (SIP) to local government units (SKPD) in Muaro Jambi.
31 March 2014
·          Report on assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi in conducting training on registration and licensing documents, and field verification in Muaro Jambi and Merangin
·          Report on assisting the implementation of legal audit and legal compliance by the law firm appointed in Merangin;
·          Report on assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi in promoting Licensing Information System (SIP) to local government units (SKPD) in Merangin.
30 April 2014
·          Report on assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi to conduct training on registration and licensing documents, and field verification in Tebo
·          Report on assisting the implementation of legal audit and legal compliance by the law firm appointed in Merangin;
·          Report on assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi to promote Licensing Information System (SIP) to local government units (SKPD) in Tebo.
31 May 2014
·          Report on assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi in developing Recommendations on legal action against the respective companies
·          Report on assisting Expert on License Review for REDD+ in Jambi in developing Recommendations for strengthening policy in district and provincial levels
30 June 2014

Academic Qualifications:
 High school with at least three years’ related experience in the license review or due diligence related to forestry/plantation/mining/gas and oil. A fresh graduate of S1 candidate is preferable.

·         Demonstrated ability to conduct data collection, data review and data analysis.
·         Demonstrated ability to communicate to a wide range of different social groups.
·         Ability to produce (bilingual) written material on a broad-range of REDD+ subjects, targeting a wide-range of stakeholders.
·       Demonstrated ability to understand the differences and similarities of a wide range of social groups, and through this understanding prepare appropriate stakeholder engagement policies, processes and   materials.
.    Sound experience in environmental and social issues related to REDD or sustainable development, especially in forestry or agriculture

Ferty Hutajulu