
IUWASH Project Vacancy: Software of Billing And Finance Regular Desludging, Makassar

DAI, the implementer of the “USAID-funded Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (IUWASH) Project” invites qualified offerors to submit proposals to supply and deliver Procurement of Software of Billing And Finance Regular Desludging – LLTT UPTD PAL Makassar in support of program implementation.  

The sludge management is a public service that has been decided by central government as one of the priorities in the achievement of the MDGs, that includes improving access to waste water services. Access for both water and waste water are safe and sustainable as to increase quality of life and better environment and healthier. In accordance with RPJMN 2019 among others state that access to basic sanitation by 100% and one of which is the waste water sector. The waste water services will be accessible to the entire community. To improve the management of sludge as part of the wastewater system requires the sludge management that works regularly and scheduled system and yet continues the call basis that currently is in use.

Some cities in Indonesia currently have started their preparation to begin the regular desludging called LLTT (Layanan Lumpur Tinja Terjadwal). One of the cities in Indonesia is Kota Makassar which is currently in preparation stage too. LLTT program has started with a pilot program mutually agreed by Central Government and Municipality of Makassar. To implement this pilot program, the Government of Makassar through UPTD PAL has set plan to start servicing their households located in Tamanlanrea Permai Housing Complex - BTP, Block A, city of Makassar.

To be able to manage LLTT including in this pilot area there are some requirements has to be prepared by UPTD PAL including the sludge treatment plant (IPLT), the operators of regular desluding, trucks and its drivers for sludge collection and supporting infrastructure to run administration and financial system. Currently some main infrastructures and supporting employees and vacuum truck and its drivers as well has been in place, however UPTD PAL Makassar has not been equipped by other important infrastructures to support the system such as the administration system of billing and finance that work under computerized system. LLTT as a new program that will be managed by UPTD PAL will correspond with a data base of customers which are relatively complex and will require most efficient tool to manage.

For doing so the billing and finance system works under computerized system is required to resolve the all obstacles above. Procurement of billing and finance management system base-on computer needs to be given to UPTD PAL. The final goal of IUWASH to improve management of regular desludging program is achieved through improvement of system billing and finance being developed in UPTD PAL Makassar.

The Goal and objectives of the activity are:
The goal of providing the technical assistance of development of billing and finance in computer-based system is to enable the management system in UPTD PAL run efficiently and effectively. Activities of recording transactions currently running under manual system will be shifted into computer-based that more quickly and accurately on recording all billing and the finance recording.

The objective of providing a computerized system of billing and financial management is to enable UPTD PAL Makassar present and analyzed its billing and finance reports timely and accurately. The integrated system of billing and finance system in UPTD PAL will be able to support this objective.

For those mentioned subject, IUWASH inviting potential bidders to submit the proposal, detail Scope of Work please see : HERE

Thank you very much for your kind attention

Sincerely yours,
Procurement IUWASH