
EU - Indonesia Trade Cooperation Facility Vacancy: Coordinator, Waste to Energy Project - Jakarta

The EU-Indonesia Trade Cooperation Facility (TCF) project is looking for a senior expert to work with the project and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on developing and promoting Waste to Energy (WtE) in Indonesia. TCF is working with EBTKE (Directorate General for New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation) to develop the regulatory framework, the regulation on the Feed-in Tariff for WtE, a comprehensive, easy to use Guidebook on Waste to Energy, and a number of initiatives with local governments (the prime implementers of WtE projects) to encourage progress of this important environmental and energy initiative.

TCF is an EU-funded programme that aims to strengthen the capacity of government institutions to pursue reforms related to the trade and investment climate in Indonesia. TCF is coordinated by Bappenas (National Development Planning Agency), the other Implementing Agencies being the Ministry of Trade, the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Ministry of Industry.

  • Acting as project coordinator, ensuring the continuous implementation of the TCF/EBTKE action plan. 
  • Finalising all regulatory analyses and reports including quality control and assurance of the reports and assessments undertaken by other technical expert.
  • Promoting WtE (the Guidebook) at national and local government levels. 
  • Working with the current experts on the project’s website and regular electronic reports and other promotional initiatives, such as specialist workshops/conferences.
  • Interacting with private sector and institutional investors (e.g. IFC) in WtE.
  • Providing support to specific local governments in order to advance WtE strategies and projects.
  • Ensuring excellent all-round communication between all stakeholders both at central and local level, in particular TCF and EBTKE.
  • Helping to ensure the sustainability of the project after the end of the TCF funding.
The successful candidate will be primarily a project manager/coordinator and will be able to draw on the services of a group of experts who are already active in the project.

The post will be until the end of December 2015 in the first instance, renewable until the 1st November 2016.  The post will preferably be full-time over this period, though consideration will be given to a substantial part-time appointment.

Minimum requirements:
  • Masters level degree in a relevant subject, such as engineering or economics.
  • Minimum of 10 years’ professional experience, including, project management.
  • Preferably, good knowledge of national energy policies and if possible WtE.
  • Preferably, good knowledge of local/regional government.
  • Strong analytical, conceptual and reporting skills.
  • Excellent communication and organisation skills.
  • Excellent inter-personal and training and mentoring skills and experience.
  • Ability to represent the project at high levels in national and local governments.
  • Fluency in Bahasa and a very good working level in English.
To apply, please send your CV to tcf.experts@gmail.com before 24th July 2015. Due to the large amount of applications received, kindly note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.