
GIZ Internship: Intern PR & Communication, Jakarta

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) was established on 1 January 2011. It brings together under one roof the long-standing expertise of the German Development Service (DED), the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and InWEnt – Capacity Building International, Germany. As a federally-owned enterprise, it supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. We are also engaged in international education work around the globe.

GIZ operates in many fields, including economic development and employment; governance and democracy; security, reconstruction, peace building and civil conflict transformation; food security, health and basic education; and environmental protection, resource conservation and climate change mitigation.

The GIZ Office Jakarta maintains a Public Relations and communications unit that assists the Country Management in planning, implementing and supporting external and company internal communication measures of the country office and the projects for Indonesia, Timor-Leste and ASEAN as according to the annual and company objectives.

The communications unit offers an internship for the months of April/May 2015 – October 2015 with a range of the following tasks:
  • Corporate Annual Items (Calendars, Notebooks)
    • Request project for text for annual items
    • Brainstorming concept of annual items text
    • Editing Indonesian text for annual items
  • Database Management - Input and Maintenance: Digital Library / Consultant Database / Media Contacts/ Media Monitoring
    • Input and Organisation of Data Material
    • Database Maintenance of Digital Library
    • Support for Collection of Media Clippings from Projects and Media Contact Input
  • Social Media
    • Support in concept & analysing procedure of conducting FB & Twitter GIZ Indonesia
    • Support in making template and documenting copyright of photos and text for FB & Twitter GIZ Indonesia
  • Communicators Forum
    • Support in organisation of meeting & training module
    • Documentation of Communicators Forum
    • Optional: Development of short FAQ Videos for Communication & PR
  • Communicators Handbook
    • Support in completion of the manual content
    • Support in development of Corporate Design Templates
  • Assistance to Communication Unit as requested
The intern reports to the Junior Communication Officer of GIZ Office Jakarta, deputized by the Communication Officer. During the internship, the assigned intern is to maintain a timesheet reporting on the accomplished tasks, to be approved prior to submission to the Human Resources Department of the GIZ Office Jakarta.

Kindly send your CV to GIZ Country Office before 28 April 2015:
GIZ Office Jakarta
Menara BCA, Level 46 Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1

Jakarta 10310 Indonesia
recruitment-indo@giz.de with subject : GOJ - Communication Internship