
International Fund for Agricultural Development Vacancy: Publication and Communication Officer, Jakarta

The Government of Indonesia and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have long history of development cooperation. IFAD has supported development initiatives in Indonesia related to agriculture and fisheries sectors. IFAD work together with Government of Indonesia to improve situation of the smallholder farmer by provide policy recommendation, management of knowledge and partnership establishment.

Directorate for Multilateral Foreign Funding (DMFF) of the Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) is implementing a project, funded by IFAD, to use projects experiences as evidence for policy making. Under the umbrella of “sustainable economic development through south-south and triangular cooperation in Indonesia, DMFF Bappenas is aiming to escalate result from previous and existing projects in agricultural sector with particular emphasis on public-private partnership component. Any success identified by the project is expected to contribute south-south and triangular cooperation. The project will also focus on scale up and contribution to evidence-based policy making to enable poor farmers to achieve sustainable economic development.

The project has three key outputs namely (i) documentation of experiences; (ii) knowledge sharing and management; and (iii) project implementation and performance monitoring. One of key work is on knowledge management and therefore DMFF Bappenas is looking for a Communication and Publication Officer (CPO). Under the guidance from the DMFF and supervision from the projecmanager, the communication and publication officer is responsible tpublish and share the knowledge on public private partnership in agriculture sector to a wide range of relevant stakeholders.

Description of Works and Responsibilities
The communication and publication officer will work full time for eight months period. Under the guidance and close coordination from the DMFF and supervision from the Project Manager, the PCO is expected to carry out responsibilities as follows:
  1. Develop a simple and representable project website, by taking consideration of possible integration with Bappenas’ web domain and server;
  2. Build and maintain network with relevant government and non-government stakeholders on PPP knowledge publication and sharing;
  3. Maintain and update the project website regularly;
  4. Inventarise potential media, websites, forum, or other publication sites to publish and share knowledge produced by the project;
  5. Send or upload knowledge products to various publication sites, including project website and IFAD Portal;
  6. Support the Secretariat to formulate ToRs for knowledge documentation and sharing activities;
  7. Support the Secretariat to coordinate or to organise knowledge documenting and sharing events, in particular to liaise with stakeholders;
  8. Support the Knowledge Management Specialist and Public Partnership Specialist to produce the project’s knowledge products and to ensure the packaging quality of pre-published or pre-shared knowledge, including through any necessary editing, proofreading, layouting, and such.
  9.  Support the Secretariat on daily operations of the project, including preparation, implementation and monitoring of project annual work plans, reports, and any relevant duties as requested by the Project Manager and DMFF.
Requirements for Qualifications and Competencies
a.  Academic Qualifications

Bachelor in a related discipline, preferably in information technology, communication or other relevant fields of study.

b.  Language Requirements
  • Fluency in written and spoken Bahasa Indonesia is an absolute necessity;
  • Sufficient knowledge in written and spoken English is an absolute necessity;
c.   Professional Experiences
  • Fresh graduates are welcomed, although previous related working experience will add significant value during assessment;
  • Strong communication skill;
  • Strong familiarity with information technology, in particular web development and management;
  • Demonstrate skill on building a website from the scratch, proven through portfolio;
  • Demonstrate familiarity with or strong eagerness to learn about development projects  and  foreign  assistance’s programmes/ projects in Indonesia;
  • Experience on knowledge management is a plus;
d.  Competencies
The consultant is expected to have the following core competencies:
  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity;
  • Demonstrating corporate knowledge and sound judgment;
  • Self-development and initiative-taking;
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work;
  • Facilitating and encouraging open and effective communication in the team;
  • Demonstrating ability to manage conflict and problem solving;
  • Promoting learning and knowledge management/ sharing;
  •  Transparent decision making;
  • Demonstrating a sufficient level of understanding regarding communication and information technologies and their potential use.
Submit your application with updated CV not later than March 29, 2015 to:
Secretariat of SEDSSTC
Please send the e-mail with subjectPublication and Communication Officer