
Lowongan Writer for the Annual Report of the ASEAN Foundation

The ASEAN Foundation (AF) was established in December 1997 by ASEAN Foreign Ministers in fulfilment of the decision of the ASEAN Leaders. It is a non-profit ASEAN body under the ASEAN Charter and is mandated to promote greater awareness of ASEAN and greater interaction among the peoples of ASEAN, as well as their wider participation in ASEAN activities.

The production of the 2014 Annual Report is an important publication to highlight the programmatic and financial operations of the ASEAN Foundation in a readable fashion to all stakeholders of the ASEAN Foundation. This is to build credibility for the organization and to inspire confidence that the organization is worthy to receive the contribution and investment, made.

For the purpose of developing and producing a professional Annual Report for the ASEAN Foundation, with strong content and attractive design to illustrate the results of the Foundation from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014, highlighting key achievements from the implementation of the first year of the ASEAN Foundation’s 3-year work plan from 2014 to 2016.

Specifically, the Annual Report will be produced and disseminated, in order to:
  • Share information with the ASEAN Foundation’s stakeholders on key achievements and results in the implementation of the first year work plan.
  • Expand support to the ASEAN Foundation from ASEAN Member States, dialogue partners, donors, civil society and the general public
In addition, the consultant will also be required to produce an information sheet about the ASEAN Foundation. 

  • Review existing documents that feed into the Annual Report 
  • Assess need for further information and proceed to request for details from relevant personnel
  • Design a working schedule to get information for the report and information 
  • Write and edit a 20 – 30 page text (A4 size) for the 2014 Annual Report based on the information collected
  • Present and discuss the draft report to the Executive Director and the management team
  • Work closely with the consultant graphic designer to develop ideas for graphics and charts that creatively convey key messages/data in the report
  • Proofread the text as they are laid out by the designer
  • Finalise and submit the annual report by 31 March 2015
  • Write and edit the information sheet (A4) double-sided after submitting the annual report
  • Work closely with the consultant graphic designer to layout the information sheet 
  • Proofread the text as they are laid out by the designer 
  • Finalise the information sheet by 30 June 2015

Text, Design & Layout in Soft-Copy for Annual Report
The Consultant shall develop and produce an attractive Annual report for the ASEAN Foundation by 31 March 2015 in soft-copy.

The final digital formats to be submitted are high-resolution PDF and editable Adobe Illustrator or InDesign, in English.

Format for Annual Report
The format of the Annual Report should be in a 2-page spread booklet style (A4 size), of about 20 to 30  pages, focusing on achievements. 

Layout for Annual Report
Layout of the publication should be guided by the ASEAN Secretariat’s Brand Guidelines closely, which the Consultant will receive upon beginning of the Contract.

Content for Annual Report
  • An impactful and attractive cover-page photo
  • Mission, vision, values and goals of  the ASEAN Foundation
  • Brief background of the the ASEAN Foundation
  • Messages from the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Director
  • Highlights from the ASEAN Foundation’s  3 Year Work Plan, highlighting key achievements with the support of case studies from projects to illustrate the results of the ASEAN Foundation’s work plan
  • Internal Capacity-Building Programme: Feature organisational development and its achievements.
  • Public Awareness and Advocacy: Featuring the work and impact of the ASEAN Foundation’s social media activities, e-News and website 
  • Financial Statement and charts
  • List of donor partners
Text, Design & Layout in Soft-Copy for Information Sheet
The Consultant shall develop and produce an attractive information sheet for the ASEAN Foundation by 30 June 2015 in soft-copy.

The final digital formats to be submitted are high-resolution PDF and editable Adobe Illustrator or InDesign, in English.

Format for Information Sheet
The format of the Information Sheet should be in a A4 format, double sided, focusing on achievements of the ASEAN Foundation  

Layout for Information Sheet
Layout of the information sheet should be guided by the ASEAN Secretariat’s Brand Guidelines closely, which the Consultant will receive upon beginning of the Contract.

Content for Information Sheet
  • Impactful and attractive to engage readers

The duration:
  • To write and submit the annual report:           01 February – 31 March 2015 
    • First draft of the annual report submission:                20 March 2015
    • Final draft of the annual report submission:               31 March 2015
  • To write and submit the information sheet:    01 May to 30 June 2015
    • First draft of information sheet submission:               30 May 2015
    • Final draft of the information sheet submission:        30 June 2015
The Consultant will work under the guidance of the Executive Director with the Head of Programmes providing direct supervision.  S/he will work closely with the Programme Staff members and the Head of Finance and Administration for the final figures and audited financial statements.

A lump sum quotation is required including fees for writing the annual report and the information sheet. Payment will be linked to deliverables.

  • Strong research and excellent writing skills in English
  • Experience in producing corporate products 
  • Minimum five (5) years of progressive work experience in corporate communication 
  • Familiarity of the non-profit sector. 
  • Strong interpersonal skills, able to communicate and work with diverse people including senior management 
  • Ability to be flexible and respond to changes to text as part of the review and feedback process 
  • Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure
All interested applicants to send application, stating the position with the following documents to procurement@aseanfoundation.org – a) application letter and time table on how the assignment will be carried out and completed with clear deliverables b) curriculum vitae  c) the samples of the writings and d) financial proposal specifying a total lump sum amount highlighting deliverables.

25 January 2015