
RFA Vacancy: Project to Strengthen Media and Civic Engagement (North Sumatra, Central Java, Maluku, Papua, West Papua & Aceh)


Request for Applications

Project to Strengthen Media and Civic Engagement in the Electoral Process: Public Information and Voter Education in Six Provinces (North Sumatra, Central Java, Maluku, Papua, West Papua and Aceh) in Indonesia

RFA No. 14-027

1. Request for Applications
1.1. Purpose

IFES is currently engaged in implementing the Elections 2014 Administration Program (EAP) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to invite prospective applicants to strengthen media and civic engagement in the electoral process by working with civil society; to facilitate workshops with all stakeholders involved in the voter education process; and to facilitate the development and operations of media and public information centers in six provinces (North Sumatra, Central Java, Maluku, Papua, West Papua and Aceh). IFES is planning to award a sub-grant of up to ten months, with a total estimated cost not to exceed 5,500,000,000 IDR.

An award will be made only after IFES makes a positive determination that the applicant possesses, or has the ability to obtain, the necessary management competence to carry out the grant activity, and will practice mutually agreed upon methods of accountability for funds and other assets funded by the United States Agency for International Development. IFES must be fully satisfied that the applicant has the capacity to adequately perform in accordance with the principles established by the Department of State and 22 CFR 145.

1.2. Coverage & Participation

Issuance of this RFA does not constitute a commitment on the part of IFES to make an award nor does it commit IFES to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of any application in response to this RFA. Further, IFES reserves the right to reject any or all applications received.

2. General Information

2.1. Background

The   International   Foundation   for   Electoral   Systems   (IFES)   is   an   independent,   non-governmental organization providing professional support to electoral democracy. IFES promotes democratic stability by providing  technical  assistance  and  applying  field-based  research  to  the  electoral  cycle  worldwide  to enhance citizen participation and strengthen civil societies, governance and transparency. In recognition of this commitment, USAID has awarded IFES with the Election Administration Program (EAP).

Academic institutions, civil society and the media have been involved in promoting public understanding of and engagement in the electoral process since the first democratic elections in 1999. Under the EAP, IFES has a mandate to support such organizations in their efforts, particularly in the fields of voter education and media.

2.2. RFA Schedule

The following is a tentative schedule that will apply to this RFA, but may change in accordance with IFESneeds or unforeseen circumstances. Changes will be communicated by e-mail to all parties.

Issuance of RFA 18 November 2013

Written expression of interest due 22 November 2013
Technical Questions/Inquiries due 25 November 2013, 9:00 AM ST

Answers/Addenda from IFES 27 November 2013
RFA Closes 18 December 2013, 6:00 PM EST
For RFA details (program description, responsibilities and requirement), please download the documents at:  http://buyersguide.ifes.org/procurement_pdf/1384811175.pdf

3. Application Preparation Instructions

3.1. Applicant’s Understanding of the RFA

In responding to this RFA, the applicant accepts full responsibility to understand the RFA in its entirety, and in detail, including making any inquiries to IFES as necessary to gain such understanding. IFES reserves the right to disqualify any applicant who demonstrates less than such understanding. Further, IFES reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the applicant has demonstrated such understanding. Such disqualification and/or cancellation shall be at no fault, cost, or liability whatsoever to IFES.
3.2. Good Faith Statement
All information provided by IFES in this RFA is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at any time. IFES makes no certification that any item is without error. IFES is not responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted there from.
3.3. Communication
Verbal communication shall not be effective unless formally confirmed in writing by a specified official in charge of managing this RFA process. In no case shall verbal communication govern over written communication.
3.3.1.   Expression of Interest: organizations that would like to be considered as bidders on the project should send a written expression of interest of no more than two pages that provides an organizational profile and a brief suggested approach to the project, no later than 22 November, 2013. Only organizations that submit the expression of interest will be able to continue in the bidding process. Expressions of interest should be submitted to IFES by email to  edurbin@ifes.org AND  zulkarnain@ifesindonesia.org.
3.3.2.     Applicant Inquiries. Inquiries, questions, and requests for clarification related to this RFA should be submitted in writing, no later than 25 November and be directed to:
    IFES Indonesia

    Intiland Tower, 19th Floor

l. Jend. Sudirman 32
akarta 10220 ∙ Indonesia
    Attention: Zulkarnain Lubis, Program Officer / Beth Durbin, Sr. Contracts & Grants Administrator
                Telephone:  +62 21 5795 6795
    Fax:  +62 21 5795 6807

zulkarnain@ifesindonesia.org AND edurbin@ifes.org

3.3.3.     Formal Communications may include, but are not limited to:
·    Questions concerning this RFA.
·    Expressions of interest
·    Errors and omissions in this RFA and enhancements. Applicants shall recommend to IFES any discrepancies, errors, or omissions that may exist within this RFA.
·    Verbal and/or written presentations by top rated(2 or 3) bidders under this RFA.

·    Addenda to this RFA.
3.3.4.    Addenda: IFES will make a good-faith effort to provide a written response to the questions or request for clarification that requires addenda by 27 November 2013. All questions, answers, and addenda  will  be  shared  with  all  interested  organizations  who  have  submitted  expressions  of interest.
3.4. Application Instructions
All applications should include the following in order for it to be considered:
1 Technical Application
    ·    The technical application must describe in detail the applicant’s (a) Technical Approach; (b)     Organizational Capacity; and (c) project work-plan to implement the Program Description in Article  4  of  this  RFA.  The  evaluation  criteria  can  be  found  in  Article  3.6.  The  technical application should be responsive to each element of the evaluation criteria.
2 Cost Application – Budget and Budget Notes
·    The Budget should reflect costs associated with the technical activities and deliverables.   All applicants must fill out the following cost breakdown for the implementation of the project as described in this RFA. The budget should be presented in local currency. The line item totals should also be denominated in US Dollars, based on the currency exchange rate establish by the Central Bank at the time of application. Unit cost is required and in the case of discrepancies between unit cost and total costs, the unit cost will be taken as reference basis in the evaluation. If the applicant organization does not have indirect cost rates approved by a third party auditing company, then all the indirect costs should be converted and presented as direct costs. The applicant must agree to keep these costs valid for a minimum of 90 calendar days.
·    The Budget shall be in the form of the Budget Template which is included in Attachment A to theRFA and which will be provided in Excel to all bidders who submitted an expression of interest.
·    The Cost Application should include Budget Notes that describes each cost element of the Budget.
3 Key Personnel
The following position(s) are considered key personnel on the national level:
·    Director/Chairperson of the organization
·    Voter Education Expert
·    Regional Coordinator / Program Officer
·    Regional Admin Officer
·    Web Designer
4.   There will be a number of additional positions at the regional level. An illustrative list follows.
·    Provincial Voter Education Expert
·    Voter Education Monitoring Officer
·    Media Center Manager
·    Program Officer
·    IT Consultant
5.   A brief outline of the applicant’s organization and experience, including:
·    Full legal name and address of the organization
·    Full legal name of organization’s Director and / or Chief Executive Officer
·    Applicant’s DUNS number
·    Applicant’s background, its relationship and work experience with the government and other stakeholders
·    Evidence of successful completion of a project of a similar and complexity, and if applicable, an overview of projects supported by other international organizations
·    References:        If  applicable,  contact  information  for  three  references  from  donor  funded projects similar in scope and a brief description of their implementation (including location and year).
6 Filled out Pre-Award Assessment Form, which is included as Attachment B to this RFA.
3.5. Application Submission
Applicants that pass the expression of interest phase and are invited to submit formal applications must send final applications in electronic copy via e-mail, on or prior to 18 December 2013, 6:00 PM EDT to Zulkarnain Lubis, Program Officer at  zulkarnain@ifesindonesia.org and Beth Durbin, Sr. Contracts & Grants Administrator at   edurbin@ifes.org
For RFA details (program description, responsibilities and requirement), please download the documents at:  http://buyersguide.ifes.org/procurement_pdf/1384811175.pdf

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