
Lowongan Consultant for Measuring Transparency Index of Public institutions

Management systems international, inc
StrengtHening Integrity and accountability program 1 (SIAP 1)
Support for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform

Terms of Reference

Position: Consultant for Measuring Transparency Index of Public institutions (National)

Duration of Contract: 30 working days

Period of Contract: September – December 2013

Law number 14 year 2008 marks the phase of public disclosure, which became the main instrument to encourage the establishment of transparency and accountability of public institutions, which it’s a mandatory for public institutions to open up access to information for the community. This will be a driving factor in realizing the strategic transparency and information disclosure to the public.

Since 2011, the Commission of Information (KIP) has started to conduct annual evaluation named transparency index to public institutions on their information accessibility as regulated by the public information law. It’s a smart approach to promote transparency and public access to information among public institutions.  In December 2013, KIP will conduct evaluation (transparency index) as their 3rd annual evaluation on transparency of public institutions. In this regard, MSI SIAP-1 will utilize the services of Consultant who has deep understanding on the access to information, and survey mthodology, to provide advices and assist KIP in conducting the evaluation. Based on his/her expertise, the consultant will review and provide inputs and recommendations on the existing evaluation tool owned by KIP and assist them in the evaluation process.

OBJECTIVE: Inputs and recommendations to KIP on evaluating transparency index of public institutions.

The consultants will perform the following activities:

1. 5 days for:
  • Reviewing the existing evaluation tool owned by KIP to conform with the legal compliance as regulated by Law Number 14/2008 and KI decrees, accuracy according to research methodology. 
  • Reviewing the existing evaluation report to assess its’ effectiveness. 
  • Presenting findings and recommendations to KIP commissioners.
2. 10 days for:
  • Working with KIP assistant and expert staffs to refine the evaluation tool.
  • Presenting revised evaluation tool to KIP commissioners.
3. 13 days for:
  • Provide advices and technical assistances to KIP assistants, and expert staffs in applying the evaluation tool of transparency index to public institutions. 
  • Provide support to KIP assistants, and expert staffs in analysing all gathered data and findings. 
  • Assist KIP assistants, and expert staffs in presenting evaluation result to KIP commissioners.
4. 2 days for:
  • Writing report and recommendation for improvement of upcoming evaluation.
  • Review report on the existing evaluation tool for measuring transparency of public institutions 
  • Revised evaluation tool for measuring transparency of public institutions 
  • Report on services provided to assist the commission in conducting evaluation.
Applicant must meet the following requirements:
  • Hold master degree in social or politic. 
  • Have good understanding on access to information.
  • Good understanding on survey methodology, and experienced as researcher. 
  • Has a taxpayer identification number (NPWP) and has filed an Annual Tax Income Report for the year 2012
Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references) and contact number by  18 September 2013, at the latest. Please put the position you apply for as the subject of your email.

Please send applications to hong@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

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