
MSI World Wide Membutuhkan Tenaga Konsultan IT, Untuk Penempatan di Jakarta

Consultant for Assessing the Government of Indonesia’s Individual Complaint-Handling Application to be Integrated into SP4N-LAPOR!, USAID CEGAH, Indonesia

  • Position: IT Consultant
  • Required Task: 18
  • Languages Required: English & Bahasa Indonesia
  • Duration of Contract: 30 days
  • Working Period: November 15, 2019 – February 15, 2019
Company Profile: 

MSI, a Tetra Tech Company, is a Washington, D.C. metro area international development firm with a 35-year history of delivering development results across the world. Our core expertise is in the fields of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), institutional development, public sector management, governance and anti-corruption. MSI has implemented projects in 90 countries around the world such as Jordan, Kenya, Indonesia, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Colombia and Mexico. As one of the leading companies in our field, MSI has partnered with organizations across all sectors of international development to support clients ranging from large bilateral and multilateral donors such as USAID, the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program to national and local governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks, foundations and universities.

According to the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No 76/2013 on Public Service Management System, the Government of Indonesia (led by KemenPAN-RB) established Sistem Pengelolaan Pengaduan Pelayanan Publik Nasional (SP4N)-Layanan Aspirasi dan Pengaduan Online Rakyat (LAPOR!) as an integrated public complaint management system. SP4N-LAPOR! is designated to become a one-stop national complaint handling management system in public services. The system aims to increase government accountability and improve government responsiveness in public services implementation. Another purpose of the system is to increase people’s participation in reporting complaints and dissatisfaction of public services delivery from the government at the national and local levels.

The SP4N-LAPOR! system improved significantly following a recent upgrade (from version 2.0 to 3.0). The application is also available on many platforms including the Android Mobile Application. Given its broad availability, SP4N-LAPOR! is expected to receive 700 to 3,000 complaints per day and become a ‘no wrong door’ policy for handling public complaints nationwide. Local government agencies are also beginning to connect with SP4N-LAPOR! As mandated by a Circular Letter (Surat Edaran) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (No 490/10005/ SJ, 2019), SP4N-LAPOR! aims to become a National Complaint Handling System (NCHS). The Ministry’s letter also encouraged local government agencies in Indonesia to use and integrate existing complaint handling system applications into SP4N-LAPOR!

Furthermore, Precedential Decree No. 95/2018 on Government-Based Electronic Systems (SPBE) indicates that all government agencies should use an Aplikasi Umum (one single, nationwide application) for e-government iniatives, which is intended to make government operational costs more effective and cost-efficient. Aplikasi Umum is intended to provide e-government services that support government activities in the fields of planning, budgeting, procurement of government goods and services, performance accountability, monitoring and evaluation, filing, staffing, and the development of the application for handling public service complaints. USAID CEGAH has supported the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in drafting a set of standards that will govern business processes for the public service complaint handling system and be included in a ministerial technical regulation.

Considering these recent developments, USAID CEGAH will hire an IT consultant to help the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) to assess several individual complaint-handling applications that are owned by individual government agencies. The consultant will also assist in integrating these applications into SP4N-LAPOR! The consultant will work closely with USAID CEGAH and frequently consult with KemenPAN-RB to ensure that SP4N-LAPOR! meets correct standard application requirements and integration guideline documents.


Assist KemenPAN-RB in mapping and identifying individual complaint handling applications owned by individual government agencies for integration into SP4N-LAPOR! and assist MenPAN and those agencies with the integration.

Scope of Work
In coordination with KemenPAN-RB, the Consultant will help to: Assess individual complaint handling applications owned by several government agencies for integration into SP4N-LAPOR! (30 days)

In coordination with KemenPAN-RB, the Consultant will:
  1. Learn the current LAPOR Version 3.0 integration guidelines and make recommendations for enhancing LAPOR Version 3.0;
  2. Analyze the individual complaint-handling applications of several agencies for integration into SP4N-LAPOR! and develop assessment criteria for analyzing the individual complaint handling systems/applications and their compatibility;
  3. Create standard application requirements, including the application list from the relevant local agencies with some technical descriptions related to application compatibility;
  4. Develop an integration plan, to be approved by KemenPAN-RB;
  5. Assist MenPAN and the selected agencies to integrate individual complaint handling applications into LAPOR (maximum 20 applications);
  6. Document the integration process.
  1. Final Draft of the Integration Guideline for SP4N-LAPOR!, approved by KemenPAN-RB and USAID CEGAH;
  2. Final draft of the standard basic requirements for applications owned by local government agencies;
  3. Report on assessing the agencies’ individual complaint-handling applications for integration;
  4. Weekly report on the technical assistance needed to integrate individual complaint handling-applications into LAPOR;
  5. Documentation of the integration process;
  6. Final report.
  1. Minimum 3 years of professional experience developing software for the public complaint system is required;
  2. Good understanding of API integration;
  3. Good understanding of information systems, hardware and software specifications, computer troubleshooting management, and complaint-handling business processes;
  4. Minimum 3 years of experience working with the government sector providing technical expertise on ICT development;
  5. Good understanding of the LAPOR application is preferred;
  6. Strong analytic, communication, and writing skills.
Please send CV (including three references) and application letter to  info@msi-cegah.com  before 7:00pm Jakarta time on November 08th, 2019.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interview will be conducted on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate has been selected.