
UNITAR Job Vacancy: Green Economy Learning Assessment, Indonesian

Duration of the contract: Four months

  • Indicative starting date: 01 Nov 2019
  • Deadline for submission of applications: 20 Oct 2019
  • Number of vacancies: 1
  • Organizational Unit: Green Development and Climate Change Programme
  • Remuneration: A maximum of 11’500 USD, including local travel to conduct the assessment.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
UNITAR provides innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision-making and support country-level action for shaping a better future. The Institute’s Green Development and Climate Change Programme Unit (GCP) develops the capacities of individuals and training institutions in developing countries to implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and to advance green and climate-resilient development. It offers a range of services, including executive training, institutional capacity development, support for national learning strategies, learning methodology development, and knowledge-sharing. Activities are carried out through partnerships with other UN organizations, bilateral development partners, as well as leading learning institutions and think tanks.

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)

UNITAR is a member of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE). The Partnership supports nations and regions in reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability to foster economic growth, create income and jobs, reduce poverty and inequality, and strengthen the ecological foundations of their economies. PAGE brings together five UN agencies – UN Environment, International Labour Organization (ILO), UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and UNITAR – whose mandates, expertise and networks combined can offer integrated and holistic support to countries on an inclusive green economy, ensuring coherence and avoiding duplication.

Indonesia’s application to join PAGE was approved by the PAGE Management Board in July 2018. The Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) is the national implementing partner, while UNDP is the main coordinating partner amongst the UN PAGE Agencies.

Green Economy Learning Assessment Indonesia

The assessment aims to contribute to building up sufficient human capacity to advance inclusive and sustainable economic development in Indonesia, ensuring the full ownership of the government. More specifically the assessment aims to:

  1. Analyze learning priorities for advancing an inclusive green economy in Indonesia according to the Low Carbon Development Indonesia (LCDI) Framework agreed with BAPPENAS.
  2. Review existing institutional capacities to deliver learning activities related to the LCDI Framework’s prioritized components.
  3. Elaborate a concrete action plan based on the findings including opportunities for strengthening and up-scaling the delivery of green economy learning within BAPPENAS and other national institutions.
Detailed Terms of Reference for the Assessment are included in the Annex.

General Objectives of the Contract

The Consultant will conduct the green economy learning assessment in close coordination with UNITAR and national counterparts.


The Consultant will perform the following tasks:

Assess learning priorities for advancing the green economy
  1. Review existing national policies and programs and refine the list of competencies to be covered by the assessment;
  2. Define competency framework for each of the thematic areas of the assessment;
  3. Identify the target audience and devise a data collection strategy for each of the thematic areas of the assessment;
  4. Gather data/insights from civil servants/stakeholders involved in green economy policy-making and implementation;
  5. Identify learning priorities and gaps in green economy learning.
Assessment of national institutional capacities for delivering green economy learning
  1. Identify existing programs and support initiatives;
  2. Identify national institutions engaged or potentially interested in providing green economy services;
  3. Develop profiles for relevant/interested learning institutions;
  4. Analyze challenges and opportunities for scaling up green economy learning through national institutions.
Draft a Green Economy Learning Assessment Report and Action Plan

Based on the assessment results, develop a draft report including:

  1. Summary analysis of learning priorities;
  2. Summary analysis of institutional capacities to provide learning services on green economy issues;
  3. Proposed action to address individual learning needs and strengthen national learning institutions, which are implementable on financial and institutional grounds.
The final report is expected to be between 20-25 pages long (plus Annexes). The report will contain an executive summary of the findings and recommendations.

Presentation of the Green Economy Learning Assessment

The Consultant will prepare and deliver a workshop to present the key findings and recommendations of the assessment to a wider audience. Specific tasks include:

  1. Send invitations, draft an agenda and prepare presentations;
  2. Organize all logistical aspects of the workshop;
  3. Present main findings and concrete/sector-specific recommendations from learning assessment at the workshop which will contribute to a learning action plan;
  4. Print and make available copies of the report during the workshop and to relevant national stakeholders.
Several rounds of revisions might be needed to complete the results analysis and the assessment report, including the incorporation of feedback by the Government and relevant stakeholders.

Reporting structure.

The Consultant will report to the Senior Specialist, Green Development and Climate Change Programme Unit, Division for Planet


Minimum requirements
  1. Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in environment, climate change, economics, sustainable development, engineering, public policy, business, education or equivalent relevant field;
  2. Minimum of 7 years of professional experience in research/education and/or project/program management in Indonesia;
  3. Expertise in conducting learning assessments is an asset.
Language: Excellent level of English (orally and written).

Desired requirements

Skills and competencies
  1. Professionalism – Sound knowledge in the field of green economy and climate change; good knowledge of practices and principles of adult learning; practical experience in project management; excellent research, analytical and problem-solving skills.
  2. Planning & Organizing – Ability to work within tight deadlines and strong planning skills to coordinate with various stakeholders in inefficient ways, addressing potential delays with alternative solutions to deliver in a timely manner.
  3. Communications – Excellent communication skills (spoken, written and presentation), including the ability to articulate ideas in a clear and concise style; ability to prepare and deliver targeted and results-oriented presentations.
  4. Teamwork – Strong interpersonal skills; ability to deal effectively with multiple constituencies and to establish and maintain effective working relations with various stakeholders.
How to apply
Please send your CV, as well as an expression of interest to amrei.horstbrink@unitar.org by 20 October 2019. Early applications are encouraged.

The expression of interest (max. of 3-4 pages) should cover the following elements:

  1. Motivation: Please explain why you are interested in conducting the assessment.
  2. Relevant capacities and expertise: Please explain how your experience and expertise relate to the tasks to be completed.
  3. Proposed Methodology and Project Plan: Please demonstrate how you will conduct the assessment building and commenting on the detailed plan included in the Annex.
  4. Budget: Please provide your daily rate and how many days you would spend on each step in the assessment. Costs for local travel should be included in the amount of 150 USD. The total should not exceed 11’500 USD.