
GIZ Job Vacancy: Technical Advisor - Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations on behalf of the German Government.

The „Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains in Indonesia (SASCI)“ project, in collaboration with its main government partner, Ministry of Agriculture (specifically the Directorate General of Estate Crops) supports the Government of Indonesia in its efforts to reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation by promoting sustainable supply chains for selected agricultural commodities (primarily palm oil) by smallholder farmers in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan. With the project aiming for a jurisdictional approach, the project objective „Establishment of deforestation-free agricultural supply chains for renewable commodities with global markets“ shall ensure that legally protected forest ecosystems in Kapuas Hulu district in West Kalimantan province (the „jurisdiction“) are not negatively affected in quality (degradation) or quantity (deforestation) by the production of selected agricultural commodities (primarily but not exclusively palm oil).

The project promotes sustainable agriculture based on a jurisdictional approach with important elements being participatory land use planning and mapping, and improved agricultural production practices. Such practices include deforestation-free production and dissemination of agro-biodiversity promoting approaches. In the landscape planning process, areas with protection value (e.g. HCV, HCS and Essential Ecosystem Areas) are identified and mapped.

The project comprises four main outputs: (1) Strengthening the capacity of smallholder farmers for sustainable production of palm oil and other agricultural commodities; (2) Increasing the capacity of government organisations, civil society actors and the private sector for sustainable agricultural commodity supply chain implementation, including conflict-resolution mechanisms; (3)  Strengthening national initiatives for implementation of sustainable agricultural commodity supply chains; (4) Smallholder farmers in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan have access to global markets.

We seek a qualified Indonesian candidate for: Technical Advisor on Landscape Planning, Participatory Land Use Mapping and Data Analysis

Under the direction and guidance of the GIZ Project Leader, in collaboration with Project technical advisers, and in coordination with other ongoing GIZ projects and with the relevant local government institutions in Kapuas Hulu, the incumbent is responsible for:
  • Contributing to the achievement of targets and activities of the overall SASCI Project
  • Advising and strengthening the capacity of the district planning authority in data collection and analysis, remote sensing data processing, interpretation and evaluation, and preparation of inputs to planning processes
  • Supporting smallholder farmers and local communities in land use planning and mapping
  • Collaborating in the mapping of agricultural and forest areas with High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stocks
  • Advising on and participating in the identification and mapping of Essential Ecosystem Areas (Kawasan Ekosistem Essential)
  • Providing advice and input to, and cooperating with, a broad range of target groups in the district of Kapuas Hulu and the province of West Kalimantan, in aspects of landscape and land use mapping and planning
  • In an overall landscape planning context, advising on and assisting relevant district authorities, farmers’ groups, and communities with participatory land use mapping and planning
Professional advisory services
  • Advises participatory land use planning processes with involvement of all relevant stakeholders in sustainable cultivation regions within the jurisdictional level
  • Prepares and conducts workshops and other trainings related to the collection, analysis and use of different kinds of remote sensing data, the combination of spatial and non-spatial data, field data collection, and the use and incorporation of existing sources of landscape data
  • Supports relevant district departments and other district institutions in the mapping of existing land use within the targeted production landscapes in Kapuas Hulu district
  • Collaborates in the establishment and/or adaptation of a monitoring system to verify forest protection compliance (reductions in deforestation) in the targeted cultivation areas
  • Advises the district authorities and the multi-stakeholder platform on mapping and data analysis requirements for sustainable agricultural production and specifically for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
  • Advises and contributes to mapping and data needs for the process of Kapuas Hulu becoming a “Preferred Sourcing Area”
  • Supports community and smallholder agriculture mapping activities, through field visits and data collection
Networking and Communication
  • Maintains regular contacts with the relevant government and other official structures at district level, including the Agriculture Food Crops and Livestock Agency, the District Planning Agency, the Environment and Forest Agency, Forest Management Units, research institutes, academic institutions, etc.
  • Maintains regular contact and, to the extent feasible and relevant, coordinates activities and events at district level with relevant international and national organisations (such as UNDP/Sustainable Palm Oil Initiative, RSPO, FONAP, LTKL), private companies (plantation companies, processing facilities), non-governmental bodies (including RSPO), other GIZ implemented projects, and donor-supported programmes and projects
  • Maintains contacts and communication with other German government funded (BMZ, BMU, BMEL) development measures with presence in the district and/or of relevance to the Project
  • Communicates widely the aims, strategies, and planned activities of the Project and exchanges ideas and information for the benefit of the Project
  • Communicates and coordinates plans, activities and events with main stakeholders at the provincial level through the Project team in Pontianak
  • Maintains close linkages and fluid communication with the FORCLIME team and main stakeholders in aspects of landscape approaches, land use mapping and planning, and data analysis.
Knowledge Management and Learning
  • Compiles and documents information about ongoing initiatives relevant for her/his tasks in Kapuas Hulu and ensures knowledge transfer to other Project team members at district, provincial and national level
  • Documents lessons learned and prepares concepts and approaches based on Project experience
  • Contributes to preparation of technical and progress reports, guidelines, manuals, news, presentation materials and other relevant materials;
  • Contributes to the preparation, execution and documentation of trainings, workshops, forums, meetings, and other project activities
  • Contributes to project planning, monitoring and evaluation
Other duties/additional tasks
  • Supports the provision of logistics for visiting Project staff from provincial and national levels as well as for other visitors to Kapuas Hulu/Putussibau
  • Coordinates with and supports the Project development advisor in her/his tasks in the district
  • As requested by the management, guides visitors in connection with field trips
  • Provides support to organizational and management matters
  • Participates in regular Project team meetings
  • Performs other duties and tasks at the request of management
Required qualifications, competences and experience
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Geography, Agriculture, Forestry or related discipline
Professional experience
  • Minimum 5 years’ professional experience, with main focus on planning and/or mapping processes in natural resources management
  • Work experience with the analysis and use of remote sensing data, digital mapping, and GIS in natural resources management
  • Experience with field data capture from hand held devices, data loggers, and drones
  • Experience in working with local government structures and with international and local NGOs
  • Previous work experience with donor projects will be an advantage
  • Recent work experience from West Kalimantan (ideally from Kapuas Hulu) and a good understanding of current issues and policy processes for agricultural commodity supply chains in West Kalimantan or other regions in Indonesia facing same conditions and challenges
Other knowledge, additional competences
  • Good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. Microsoft applications)
  • Experience with field monitoring using platforms built on Android phones, will be considered an advantage
  • Willingness to travel regularly and to work in the field for periods at a time
  • Working knowledge of the English language indispensable; knowledge of German an additional asset
  • Willingness to upgrade skills as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures to be agreed with Project management
Duty Station: Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan
Joining Date: a..s.a.p.
Direct Supervisor: SASCI’s Principal Advisor (Project Leader)
Interested candidates should submit a motivation letter, CV, trainings attended and list of references (a must), addressed to recruitment-indo@giz.de. The closing date to submit the application letter is on October 14th, 2019.
Please indicate your application by putting the following code in the subject line: SASCI – Technical Advisor
Please name your file as follow format:
[Your Complete Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate] (i.e: Nakula Sadewa _CV or Nakula Sadewa _Motivation Letter or Nakula Sadewa _Reference)
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.