
American Red Cross Membuka Lowongan Facilitator of Strategic Engagement Plans Development Penempatan di Jakarta

Term of Reference

Facilitator of Strategic Engagement Plans Development

In 2016, the American Red Cross (AmCross) International Services Department (ISD) selected ten priority countries on which to focus its mission. This selection was based on an analysis of vulnerability, capacity, resources and alignment with ISD’s updated strategic direction. Indonesia is one of those ten priority countries of which Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) is the Host National Society (HNS). AmCross has been collaborating with PMI since 2005 implementing five years of Tsunami Response and Recovery Program as well as development programming on disaster preparedness, health, and organizational development.

To help ensure that AmCross’ support is remaining relevant and having an impact in Indonesia, AmCross-Indonesia Delegation will develop a five-year Strategic Engagement Plan (SEP) which seeks to document the high-level goals and objectives which AmCross and PMI will pursue together. This SEP will document and build upon the existing alignment between the ISD Strategic Vision (e.g., the four Pillars: Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Measles & Rubella) and the PMI Strategic Plan for 2014-2019.[1] These plans will articulate, in a summary fashion, the planned strategic direction and overall desired impact based on an assessment of key factors in PMI specifically and in the Country in general. AmCross hopes to use the SEP to move beyond implementing a series of projects in Indonesia and tofocus on longer-term goals and objectives that go beyond the scope of any one project. The plans will help envision the collective difference that AmCross and PMI will make and guide decisions, project and proposal development and the allocation of resources for the partnership. Lastly, the SEP will help frame the overarching partnerships between AmCross with PMI on a tailored, case-by-case basis. It will help Amcross to ensure that it is taking a true partnership approach as opposed to operating in more transactional, project-based relationships.

Approach and methodology
To ensure the effectiveness of the process as well as to allow optimal participation either from AmCross and PMI, we need to hire an external high-qualified facilitator to lead us along the process right from the earlier data collection, workshop, and SEP development. A cornerstone of the process is the workshop, during which key AmCross personnel (including leadership personnel from the Jakarta based delegation come together with PMI leaders (board members, head of office and head of working units) to further analyze the data collected earlier in the process and agree on the vision for the future of the partnership. Recommended data collection methodologies prior to the workshop include document review, focus groups, and key informant interviews only if necessary (i.e., if any key participant from the board members unable to participate during the workshop, verifying information, confirmation to particular discussion’s result, etc.) . A collaborative process must be in place as it can play a significant role in building and/or reinforcing strong relationship between AmCross and PMI. The detail on methodology is provided in the SEP Development Guide.

Expected outputs / deliverables

The facilitator is expected to deliver following intermediate and final outputs:
  • Summary of commonalities of high-level objectives between ISD Strategic Direction and PMI Strategic Plan 2014-2019, including the operating context (needs, existing capacity and resources, opportunity) of both organizations. The facilitator will share it with all participants prior and during the workshop to ensure sharing understanding and effective discussion.
  • List of adopted/adapted guiding questions from the SEP Development Guideline to be used during the data collection and workshop, including the detail description of methodologies of sessions within the workshop.
  • Records /Transcript/Notes of response to each of question discussion and concise conclusion that highlight key information and what have been discussed and agreed during the workshop.
  • Summary and conclusion of the discussion result which is developed in the frame of the given SEP outline in the development guideline
  • The first two outputs are important to ensure the facilitator familiar with the workshop context and purpose which ultimately enable her/him to lead the discussion effectively and efficiently. Those outputs will be developed with close consultation with and approval from AmCross’ Program Coordinator. For the note taker during the workshop, the facilitator is suggested to be accompanied with assistance to ensure all of the key information are documented properly.
Qualification of Facilitator

The facilitator should have following qualification:
  • Has skills and experiences in establishment of partnership between two or more organization/institution.
  • Familiar with strategic planning, program/project development process.
  • Has good facilitation skills, interpersonal communication, analytical.
  • Understanding the operating context of AmCross and PMI would be an advantage.
  • Excellent in both Bahasa Indonesia and English, verbally and writing.
Timeline and estimated working days
  • We plan to conduct the workshop in the 3rd week of January 2018 (2 days meeting in Jakarta) and the summary of meeting need to be available immediately after the workshop.
The estimate-required working days is 5 days with following details:
  • Workshop Preparation (review document, finalization of questions, setting up workshop methodologies): 2 days
  • Facilitating the workshop: 2 days
  • Transcript, summary and conclusion of workshop: 1 days
  • The facilitator will report to Program Coordinator, Merry Turnip, who will responsible to approve all required and agreed deliverables.
Application Procedure
Please submit your proposal application in English not later than 10 January 2018 to recruitment@amredcross.org with subject: Facilitator of Strategic Engagement Plans Development and label your proposal and CV with your name and document type in the filenames.

Only short listed candidates will be notified and contacted for an interview. Applications received after the deadline or incomplete applications will not be considered.