Scope of Work
Translator Condensed Transcripts for Violence Free
School (VFS) Study Project Mei 2015
Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik - Save the Children
International – VFS team request Translator
to help VFS Study’s team managing to
translating Condensed Transcript from In depth interview and Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) session.
Period of Working:
25 Mei -20 Juni 2016
- To help the research coordinator to translate the condensed transcript from Bahasa Indonesia into English for Violence frees school study project
Condensed Transcript

- Responsible for translate condensed transcript of In depth interview session from Bahasa Indonesia into English using template that provide by Save the Children
- Responsible for translate condensed transcript of FGD Session from Bahasa Indonesia into English using template that provided by Save the Children
- Submit the deliverables on time according to the timeline.
from Translator
Condensed Transcript:
- Translated of Condensed Transcript document into English
- Bachelor Degree in English Literature
- Having experience as translator/freelance translator for at least 3 years
Payment methods:
Will paid 100 %
once all the deliverables completed and approved by Save the Children.
Application submission
Interested candidate should
submit their CV and cover letter to email : by 23 May 2016, Time 17.00 Jakarta Time.