
DAI Job Vacancy: Executing Agency Liaison Officer - Jakarta, Indonesian

DAI works at the cutting edge of international development, combining excellence in technical and operational project management, and exceptional customer service to solve our clients’ most complex problems. Since 1970, DAI has worked in 150developing and transition countries, providing comprehensive development solutions in areas including crisis mitigation and stability operations,democratic governance and public sector management, agriculture and agribusiness, private sector development and financial services, economics and trade, HIV/AIDS, avian influenza control, water and natural resources management, and energy and climate change.

Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan (APIK) Project is a 5-year, $19 million USAID funded Project. The purpose of APIK is to support the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national level down to the community level. APIK will help to mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and sub-national governance frameworks, build the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards, and support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management a mongkey stakeholders.

  • Support coordination of USAID activities with the EA Secretariat and other relevant national and sub-national government agencies .
  • Prepare progress reports as concerns the implementation of USAID activities for review by the EA Secretariat .
  • Coordinate and prepare required administrative documentation and correspondence to facilitate the work of the EA Secretariat, including those related to visa and work permit, grantee contributions, required BAST reporting, etc.
  • Arrange and provide support to EA Secretariat and Technical Team meetings and events.
  • Assist in ensure effective and efficient operations of the EA Secretariat.
  • Coordinate with all EA Secretariat of Technical Teams to ensure that support offered through the USAID Environment portfolio is being delivered in an effective,efficient and accountable manner.
  • Exercise a high degree of diplomacy, consensus-building, teamwork, maturity,independence, and flexibility to effectively fulfill the responsibilities of the position, especially considering the political sensitivities and complexities of the position.
  • At least  Bachelor’s degree (S1 or equivalent) in International Development, Public Policy, Public Administration,Political Science, or related development field.
  • Must have a minimum of five years of experience working in international development, or related field. This experience includes a minimum of 3 years working with donor organization, or central and provincial government offices in Indonesia.
  • Fluency Speaking/reading/writing in English and Indonesian is required. Must be able to interpret agency policy, guidance and follow procedures accurately.
  • The incumbent must have superior knowledge of general development principles and approaches, the Indonesian development environment, and the Government of Indonesia’s (GOI) development priorities.
  • Have understanding of program design, implementation, financial management, and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Possess knowledge of the local political, government and regulatory context; local development issues and challenges; international development principles and approaches, including aid effectiveness; and USAID policies and processes,especially related to project implementation.
  • Must have good judgment and strong communication and interpersonal skills, able to work independently on multiple tasks and meet deadline.
  • Must be able to mentor and train others and have proficiency in Microsoft Office application.
  • Primary: Chief Of Party APIK; Secondary: COR - USAID
Application Instructions:
Interested applicants are invited to send their CV to APIK_recruitment@dai.com. Please send applications no later than 27 April 2016. Applicants are instructed to write “Executing Agency Liaison Officer NAME” as the Subject line of their email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.