
USAID IUWASH Job Vacancy: Climate Change Adaptation Training Facilitator - Jakarta

The Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a sixty-month program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of DAI. IUWASH works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in Indonesia’s urban areas. The overall goal of IUWASH is to assist the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in making significant progress in achieving its safe water and sanitation Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets by expanding access to these services. The expected results to be achieved are: 2 million people in urban areas gain access to improved water supply; 250,000 people in urban areas gain access to improved sanitation facilities; and the per unit water cost paid by the low income communities in targeted areas decreases by at least 20%.
To achieve the above, assistance provided by the project is divided under three main technical components, including: 
  • Mobilizing demand for water supply and sanitation service delivery; 
  • Improving and expanding capacity for water and sanitation service delivery; and
  • Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.
IUWASH will apply different approaches and interventions with its local partners, such as local Water utilities, local and national government institutions, NGOs and communities to address water, sanitation and hygiene. To achieve these objectives IUWASH need high caliber incumbent to fill the positions of

Climate Change Adaptation Training Facilitator, based in Jakarta (CCAT-JKT) as Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA)
  • Available immediately
  • 4 months contract (November 2015 – February 2016)
  • 30 days LOE
The primary objective of this Short Term Technical Assistance/Assistant (STTA) is to support IUWASH in implementing its annual workplan as it relates to raw water and climate change activities. The STTA is to perform as a resource person and facilitate stakeholder discussions on Climate Change Adapatation Training in certain IUWASH assisted locations. The STTA is as well responsible for the preparation of the said training program in coordination and consultation with IUWASH national’s Raw Water and Climate Change Team.

The STTA will support the Climate Change Adaptation program activities with responsibilities that include, but not be limited to, the following:
  • Support and assist the Raw Water and Climate Change (RWCC) IUWASH team on implementing the VAAP training program. 
  • Being a trainer and deliver teaching materials as well as the facilitation of discussion during in the classroom and field visit. 
  • Prepare teaching materials and the other tools aids to support the delivery of appropriate teaching materials and discussion during in the classroom and field visit. 
  • Being a trainer in each training activity schedule and location specified by the team IUWASH (see point scheduling). 
  • Take part in VAAP Training program. 
  • Other related tasks as required by supervisor.
  • Participation in training material development
  • Be a resource person or facilitator at VAAP Training program. 
  • Actively involved in the training process and discussion during in the classroom and field visit. 
  • Provide data and additional information (beyond the instructional materials in the toolkit) in accordance for conveying the training materials and achieving of training goals. 
  • Actively involved in the reviewing and repair process of the training materials and others training aids.
Required Qualifications and Experience
The STTA candidate should have a minimum S-1 bachelor degree in field of water resources, soil/water conservation, environmental management, ideally familiar with water supply, water resources, climate change (adaptation) issues, and demonstrated experience in training activities.
Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to IUWASH_recruitment@dai.com before November 6, 2015. Please write the job CODE in the subject line of the email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.