
Tetra Tech ARD Vacancy: Stakeholder Coordination Specialist, Jakarta

Tetra Tech ARD is currently accepting expressions of interest for the Stakeholder Coordination Specialist, Jakarta based, on our USAID LESTARI project. USAID’s LESTARI project supports the Government of Indonesia to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and conserve biodiversity in carbon rich and biologically significant forest and mangrove ecosystems.

LESTARI runs from 2015 through 2020, and focuses on seven landscapes in Aceh, Central Kalimantan and Papua.

Job Summary: The Stakeholder Coordination Specialist is responsible for building capacity and sustainability of multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs) in our 7 landscapes. S/he leads MSF capacity development, including training in participatory development, conflict resolution, and civil society engagement, advocacy for district and provincial level financial support, and incorporation of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)-Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) and Landscape Conservation Plan (LCP) recommendation into spatial and development plans to achieve GHG emission reduction commitment (Rencana Aksi Daerah-Gas Rumah Kaca). S/he will engage and train MSF members in development of village level of Community Conservation & Livelihood Agreements (CCLAs) and will also strengthen citizen-based mechanisms for public input on land use by working with district and provincial governments to create space and opportunities for citizens to engage on land use issues, especially licensing and permits and monitoring of enforcement efforts.

This work is part of building stronger constituencies that are better informed and appreciative of their natural resources and the environment and increasing district governments’ willingness to adopt input from citizen-based mechanisms based on developed trust between government and civil society.

Requirements include previous experience in managing participatory development initiatives in rural Indonesia, preferably with a focus on natural resources management, forest, land-use and climate change issues in Indonesia; familiarity with USAID procedures and regulations; and demonstrated ability to play a leadership role working on a multi-disciplinary team. University degree in related field required.

Please submit a letter of interest, CV and three professional references by 30 August 2015 (the latest) with subject Stakeholder Coordination Specialist, Jakarta based to:recruitmentlestari002@gmail.com