
Save the Children seeks Consultant for Brand Strategy - Indonesian

Save the Children has been working in Indonesia since 1976. Save the Children Indonesia currently has a team of more than 200 professionals with high commitment to working with our partners towards the fulfillment of children’s rights. Our program’s approach brings long term and sustainable benefits to Indonesian children. We work to establish effective, self-sustaining approaches to issues related to Child Protection, Health and Nutrition, Education, Emergency Preparedness and Response.

Save the Children involves Indonesian children as active participants in its programs, and seeks to maximize children’s potential by tailoring programs to the cultural context and children’s developmental stages. We also work with communities, local organizations and the Government of Indonesia to transform the lives of Indonesian children and their families. We support this by providing practical assistance to local authorities and organizations, supporting them in development planning and service delivery.

Save the Children wants to strengthen its present in Indonesia to be able to extent its program and to improve its service to Indonesian children. Therefore Save the Children is keen to hire a brand strategy consultant  to provide data and strategic approaches of Save the Children communication in Indonesia. The brand strategy consultant will organize a market research and then develop brand strategy based on the research findings.

Please find the Scope of Work by clicking: HERE

Consulting firm/individual must submit the proposal in English no later than June 25, 2015 before 4 PM Jakarta Time to procurement.indonesia@savethechildren.org with subject email: ADCAM – Market Survey <your company/ name>. Please do not send after this date.

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