
International Federation Red Cross Job Vacancy: Legal Researcher, Indonesian

Strengthening law for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) inIndonesiaTerms of Reference for Legal Researcher Title ofPosition: Legal researcher Type of Contract: Consultant Duration: 4 months (part-time)Tentative consultancy period: August2015 – November 2015Reports to: IFRCHead of Country Delegation and Regional Disaster Law DelegateTechnicalsupport: PMIand IFRC

Project Background Indonesia is one of the most disaster-affected countries in the world, prone to a‘supermarket’ of different disasters each year. These range from floods,landslides and earthquakes, to volcanic eruptions, tsunami and tropical storms.  Because of this, the Government of Indonesiaand key humanitarian actors including the Indonesian Red Cross (or Palang MerahIndonesia – PMI), have taken great strides to ensure that their country has astrong, robust legal framework in place to manage and respond to these disasters.At the international level, increased focus isnow being placed on strengthening legal frameworks for disaster risk reduction(DRR), especially in light of the recently adopted Sendai Framework forDisaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR). Since 2012, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the UnitedNations Development Programme (UNDP) have been working on a collaborativeproject aimed at supporting the strengthening of domestic legislation for DRR. Upon finalisation of a Multi-Country Study in June 2014, UNDP and IFRC havedeveloped a pilot “Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction”.

The Checklist aims to provide a prioritizedand succinct list of ten key questions that lawmakers, implementing officials,and those supporting them should consider in order to ensure that their lawsprovide the best support for DRR. In light of recent disaster lawdevelopments in Indonesia, and its prominence in South-East Asia as a leader indisaster law, this is a good opportunity to see how this new tool can be usedto strengthen Indonesia’s national legal framework for DRR.  The project will be carried out as a jointinitiative between PMI, IFRC and the Legal and Cooperation Bureau at Indonesia’sNational Disaster Management Authority, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana(BNPB). The research component will be managed by IFRCwith technical support from PMI Disaster Management Division.

Keyactivities of the Researcher
  • Develop a detailed work plan for the conduct of the activities identified in the Project Terms of Reference (ToRs). 
  • Prepare a draft checklist assessment (‘legal mapping’) report responding to the questions and guidelines contained in the Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction, and according to any additional guidance provided by IFRC, PMI and the project advisory group.  The report will be between 40-50 pages and will be based on:
    • Desk research of relevant laws at the national level, as well as a representative selection of provincial and municipal level laws and regulations (where relevant).
    • Interviews with national and local government, PMI, civil society, humanitarian stakeholders,and community level actors where possible.
  • Present findings of the research at the multi-stakeholder dialogue.
  • Revise and finalise the report based on discussions at the multi-stakeholder dialogue and feedback from the advisory group members.
  • Draft the plan of action, based on proposals put forward by the project advisory group.
Expected outputs
  • Draft checklistassessment report in English for feedback
  • Revised (final) checklist assessment report following themulti-stakeholder dialogue and feedback from the project advisory group, PMIand IFRC.
  • Plan of action for DRR and Law in Indonesia Consultancy arrangements
  • The consultancy is open to national or international applicants(for international applicants, knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is an asset)
  • The contract will be with the IFRC Indonesia country delegation
  • The consultancy period will be for approximately five months on apart-time basis.
  • A partial upfront payment of no more than 30% can be made to theconsultant, with the final 70% paid upon completion of the consultancy to the satis faction of the project partners. 
Reporting requirements
  • Submission of a fortnightly written updates to PMI and IFRC
  • Regular email / telephone contact with PMI and IFRC as required.
Annex A:  Person Specifications for the Legal Researcher
| Required | Preferred |
| Advanced degree in law, disaster management or international development | x |   |
| Strong legal qualifications with proven analytical skills, communication and presentation skills.   | x |   |
|   Experience   |   |   |
| Demonstrated legal research and/or the development of legislation | x |   |
| Demonstrated experience in project management | x |   |
| Experience with networking and communicating with different stakeholders such as government, Red Cross / Red Crescent, UN, NGOs and other organisations | x |   |

| Skills/knowledge |   |   |
| Good knowledge of law making in Indonesia Good knowledge of disaster risk reduction and response concepts   | X   |   X |
| Excellent professional communication skills, both written and verbal | X |   |
| Good computer skills including knowledge of Microsoft Office applications | x |   |
| Ability to use own initiative and problem-solving skills | X |   |
| Fluent spoken and written English Fluent Bahasa Indonesia | X

|   X |
|   Competencies |   |   |
| High attention to detail | x |   |
| Meeting deadlines | x |   |
| Demonstrated accountability for results | x |   |
| Accepting responsibility/sharing credit | x |   |
| Respecting diversity and cultural differences | x |   |
| Communicates clearly, effectively and with confidence | x |   |
| Ability and willingness to cooperate in cross-sectoral environments | x |  

Pleasesubmit your application letter addressing the above qualifications andexperience with your curriculum vitae on    12 July 2015at the latest to :HumanResources DepartmentEmail: Indonesia.hrd@ifrc.orgPleaseindicate on the subject heading : Legal Researcher - Consultant Onlyshort listed candidates will be notified.
 Warm Regards,
Vera Simanjuntak (Ms.)
HR Officer

IFRC Indonesia Delegation
Wisma PMI, 5th Floor

Jl. Wijaya I No. 63, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta 12170

Telp: +62 21 72793446 Ext. 5012
Fax:+62 21 72793446
Mobile: +62 (0)812 104 1011
Email: vera.simanjuntak@ifrc.org; vera_juntax@yahoo.com
Skype: vera_s13