
GIZ Job Vacancy: Consultant TRANSFORMASI Project

Term of Reference
Evaluation of Implementation of the Bureaucracy Reform Roadmaps in the 4 Piloted Local Governments

Position: Evaluator of Implementation of the Bureaucracy Reform Roadmaps in 4 Piloted Local Governments
Languages Required: Indonesia
Duration of Contract: 30 work days
Working Period: May - June 2015 (two months)

The GIZ Programme “Transforming Administration – Strengthening Innovation – TRANSFORMASI” has the objective to foster a more effective, efficient, accountable and citizen-oriented public administration. Main partner of the programme is the Ministry for State Apparatus and Bureaucracy Reform (KempanRB). Other implementing partners are the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), the National Institute for Public Administration (LAN), the Ministry of Finance (MoF), the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) and the Directorate for State Apparatus of the National Planning Agency (Bappenas).

The programme is divided into five strategic areas:
  • Strengthening BR Architecture and mainstreaming of BR reform to ensure its sustainability: Strengthening KempanRB to become an integrated and coherent “national hub for reforms”
  • Supporting  Selected BR Programs: Assisting main actors in designing, and implementing key HR policies further 
  • Fiscal Impact of Selected BR Programs:  Supporting main actors in basing policy on sound impact assessment  
  • Ensuring Citizen-Orientation of BR-reform: Ensuring BR is targeting citizens’ needs; feeding main ideas back into priority actions and planning (mainstreaming) 
  • Subnational Innovation Hub: Assisting in identifying innovations – through dialogue fora/research - and feedback into reform design
The approach of the programme is to focus on knowledge management and create feedback loops that assure adaptation of policies, concepts and approaches based on feedback from the implementation level.
The Assignment
  • Aiming to accelerate implementation of BR at the local governments (LGs), from 2013-2014 KempanRB with GIZ supports has assisted some LGs to develop their respective roadmaps for BR implementation. Those pilot LGs include Banyuwangi of East Java, Serdang Bedagai of North Sumatera,  Kutai Kartanegara of East Kalimantan, and Tarakan of North Kalimantan. 
  • Through the roadmaps, these 4 (four) LGs outlined key areas where reforms were intended and actions they committed to achieve the intended changes/reforms. Among those actions are those classified as the quick wins. 
  • After more than 2 years’ implementation, KempanRB views it is now time to monitor and evaluate progresses that have been made in those respective pilot LGs including capturing their best practices and lesson learned. The evaluation will also recommend how and in what areas KempanRB and GIZ’ next supports will be needed to help those pilot LGs progress further, including in the efforts to involve CSOs/citizens in the BR initiatives. 
  • The evaluation will also test and gives feedback into the existing KempanRB’s instruments intended to guide an external evaluation for the BR implementation stipulated under annex 3 of Permenpan No. 14 of 2014. 
  • To undertake this evaluation, KEMPANRB requests GIZ-Transformasi’s supports for hiring an evaluation consultant.
Objectives of the Evaluation
  • To identify progresses made for the overall implementation of BR roadmaps in those 4 piloted LGs. 
  • To identify progresses in the actions classified as the quick wins in those 4 piloted LGs.
  • To capture best practices and lesson learned from BR implementation at the local levels. 
  • To develop recommendation how and in what areas KempanRB and GIZ’ next supports will be needed to help those pilot LGs progress further, including in the efforts to involve CSOs/citizens in the BR initiatives.
  • To feedback the national policies/instruments aimed to accelerate the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of BR at local levels. 
  • To test and give feedback into the existing KempanRB’s instruments intended to guide an external evaluation for the BR implementation.
Objective of the Assignment:
The consultant shall help the GIZ Transformasi in close coordination with Assistant Deputy of BR of the Ministry of State Administration and BR develop a suitable evaluation instruments and plans, collect data in accordance with the instruments, generate and analyse the findings and propose action oriented recommendations.

The evaluation results will be used by GIZ Transformasi and KemenPAN as a basis to select which districts among those being evaluated will be further supported, and how and in what areas KempanRB and GIZ’ next supports will be needed.

In developing the evaluation instrument, the consultant shall refer to the KemenpanRB’s instrument on external evaluation for the BR implementation as stipulated under annex 3 of Permenpan No. 14 of 2014, assess its adequateness as an instrument for the external evaluation on BR, give inputs to KemenpanRB for its necessary revision, and proposes newly modified instrument to be used for this evaluation.

The results from the evaluation instrument exercises will be used by KemenPAN RB as a basis to propose if necessary revision for the Permenpan No. 14 of 2014 on external evaluation for the BR implementation. 

Evaluation Questions
The consultant will work to develop list of questions that will help generate information that are needed. 
Recommendations, Lessons Learned and Best Practices.

Based on the findings of the evaluation, the consultant shall support the GIZ Transfromasi and its counterparts at KempanRB to develop key recommendations on actions need to be taken by the local governments in those evaluated districts as to improve and accelerate the BR implementation and results that are more citizen oriented, identify areas where CSOs’ involvement are possible to bring added value and supports are needed from central government especially KempanRB and international agencies especially GIZ including how  the BR instruments developed by KempanRB can be further improved.

Based on the findings of the evaluation, the consultant shall also develop lessons that can be learned from the BR implementation at the local levels and idea to improve performance, result and effectiveness of the BR agenda implementation in the future especially at the sub-national levels.

Stakeholders Consultation and Field Visits

The evaluation will be conducted in the participatory manner in which key stakeholders at KempanRB and at the evaluated districts will be consulted during any key phases of the evaluation. These phases will include:
1.       Preparation: development of evaluation instruments (scope, methodology, questionairs etc).
2.       Implementation: data collection and verification.
3.       Reporting: development of findings, recommendation and lesson learned.
4.       Utilization: development of action plans, facilitation of BR learning and policy dialogues based on the evaluation.

The evaluator is therefore expected to in close coordination with GIZ Transformasi and KempanRB hold field visits to the evaluated districts, and organize the stakeholders’ consultation workshops in there.
The consultations should include the following stakeholders: 1) member of the BR teams in the evaluated districts or the team equivalent to it, (2) users of the public services/beneficiaries, and 3) representatives from relevant CSOs.
The consultant may use questionnaires to collect primary data from beneficiaries, stakeholders, key informants, and or expert. The data can also be collected through direct observation, interviews, focus group, and case studies.

Presentation of Results, Reporting and Final Submission

The final report of the evaluation shall be well drafted that adequately outlining the methodology pursued and main findings of the evaluation, including lessons learned and recommendations for actions. The findings should be presented as factual statements based on an analysis of the data. The conclusions should be comprehensive and balanced, and highlight the strengths, weakness of the BR implementation in those evaluated districts. Additionally,  the report should provide practical, feasible recommendations  and should include discussion on lessons learned based on the evaluation.
The findings of the evaluation will be presented by the evaluator to KempanRB and GIZ team, to the BR teams in the evaluated districts, and to the KempanRB and/or GIZ organized workshop on the BR learning and recommendation. KempanRB and GIZ will provide feedbacks and the evaluator will integrate inputs to the report and submit the final evaluation report. The final report will be submitted to GIZ on the date agreed.

Expected Outputs/ Deliverables
The evaluator must develop and undertake activities needed to produce at the minimum the following outputs:
·         Evaluation design and work plans: A report on the evaluation design, method, work plans prepared by the evaluator should be endorsed by the KempanRB and GIZ team before going into the full fledged data collection exercise
·         Draft Evaluation report: a report on the findings, lesson learned and proposed recommendations.
·         Final evaluation report: a report on verified findings, lesson learned and agreed recommendations that incorporate comments and inputs from relevant stakeholders.

Submit the expected written outputs above in printed and soft versions; MS Word (.doc) format including power point presentation when necessary.

Reporting Format

The consultant should submit the report in accordance with the GIZ format. Review/approval time required to review/approve produced outputs prior to authorizing payments.The KempanRB and GIZ team will review the draft of all reports to ensure that they all meet the required quality criteria.

Qualification of Consultant

The consultant should posses the following qualifications:
  • Education:  Minimum of Bachelor degree in related fields.
·         Familiarity with monitoring and evaluation techniques including in-depth interview; focus group discussion and participatory information collection techniques;
·         Strong analytical skills;
·         Experiences in working with government agencies (central and local), civil society organizations and international organizations;
·         Experiences in monitoring and evaluation of the development project in Indonesia; familiarity on issues related to Bureaucracy and public administration reform, public policy or decentralization  issues will be an asset;
·         Good interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills;
·         Ability to work efficiently and independently with strong delivery orientation and commitment to bring additional value to the works of the GIZ Transformation team at Sub-national levels.

Those qualified and interested are cordially invited to join the bidding for this assignment by submitting to us a proposal that explains (1) why you are the most suitable person for the work, (2) the work plan and time frame to conduct the assignment and (3)  your financial proposal on how much you need to produce the intended deliverable outputs.  When submitting the proposal, please kindly also enclose your latest CV to the proposal you will send.

Proposal should be submitted to Anis Hamim (Mr.), Senior Advisor of BR Architecture, Planning and Monitoring of GIZ Transformasi Project at  anis.hamim@giz.de or didi.prayitno@giz.de at no later than Friday, 11 April 2015, COB (Jakarta Local Time).