
MCA - Indonesia Job Vacancy: Associate Director, (Grant) Partnerships

Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date.

MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting and Procurement Modernization. Our projects are designed, managed and implemented by Indonesians, for the Indonesian people. Our most important development work happens where it should be: the districts and the villages.

Our goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth. Our program is country-driven, reform-centered, and results-focused in order to maximize its effectiveness and long-term sustainability.

To reach the goal, MCA-Indonesia is seeking highly dynamic and deliverable-oriented professionals for a better Indonesia :

Associate Director, (Grant) Partnerships

The Associate Director will be responsible for the management and oversight of approximately US$ 80 million of the grant components of the Green Prosperity (GP) Project and its funding facilities in 24 districts and/or adjacent districts within 13 provinces.

The Associate Director will manage  a matching grant program aimed at promoting public-private partnerships or other co-funding arrangements with private companies, banks, private equity firms, foundations and/or international NGOs to support: a) Natural Resources Management (NRM), e.g.: watershed protection, forest conservation, agro forestry, sustainable agriculture, ecotourism or relevant projects and b) Renewable Energy (RE), e.g.: micro hydro (less than 300 KW), solar PV, biomass and wind. Projects supported by MCA-Indonesia are expected to collaborate with sub-national and local stakeholders (e.g.: provincial, districts and local NGO) in order to have sustainable results.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Works with the Green Prosperity (GP) Director to provide overall management for the Partnership Grant components of the GP funding facility (ies).
  • Negotiates, manages and oversees contractual relationships and grant partners, including other donors, NGOs, private sector firms or associations, and other program implementers where/as appropriate.
  • Ensures compliance with and relevant revisions as necessary of the MCA-Indonesia grant operations manual(s) that outlines relevant policies and procedures for implementing the grant components of the GP funding facility (ies).
  • Supervises senior program manager and officer or outside consultants who may be hired by MCA-I to support the implementation of the matching or small grants programs.
  • In collaboration and coordination with the MCA Program Management Consultant (PMC), Grant Administrative Supporting Team (GAST), monitors compliance of the execution of grant activities in accordance with approved grant operations manual(s), relevant Indonesian laws and regulations, and relevant compact requirements.
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