
SNV looking for candidates for anticipated Climate Change Mitigation and Biodiversity Conservation Project - Indonesia

Private Sector Adviser - Generalist – 3 positions
SNV anticipates hiring three private sector advisers, with each advisor responsible for all of the LESTARI landscapes within one of the three regions of the management plan (Aceh, Central Kalimantan and Papua). The LESTARI landscapes are Aceh Selatan, Aceh Tenggara, Central Kalimantan, Mimika, and Asmat Landscapes. The private sector adviser should be knowledgeable about sectors that are destructive to forests, palm oil, forestry, rubber and cocoa.

The Private Sector Adviser will report to the Lead Officer of the component on Improved Private Sector and Industry Practices. He or she will also collaborate closely with local and national level NGOs, universities, and other donors working on improving private sector and industry practices in the respective landscapes.

Application close on 16 November 2014.

Private Sector Adviser – 3 positions
SNV anticipates hiring three private sector advisers, with each advisor responsible for one of three sectors that are significant to deforestation: palm oil, rubber and timber. The private sector adviser will be based in Jakarta with frequent travel to Aceh Selatan, Aceh Tenggara, Central Kalimantan, Mimika, and Asmat Landscapes.

The Private Sector Adviser will report to the Lead Officer of the component on Improved Private Sector and Industry Practices. He or she will also collaborate closely with local and national level NGOs, universities, and other donors working on improving private sector and industry practices in these landscapes.

Application close on 30 November 2014.

Biodiversity Conservation Specialist – 1 position
The Biodiversity Conservation Specialist will support the prime implementer on the contract to collaborate closely with local and national level NGOs, universities, and other donors working in these landscapes on similar conservation actions as well as build upon USAID’s support to the US Department of the Interior (USDOI) which is focused on improving CA management in Sebangau National Park and Tanjung Puting National park.

He or she should also be able to coordinate tasks under this component and other technical components with central ministries, district governments, private sector concession holders and local communities whose activities overlap in the LESTARI landscapes’ conservation areas and other high biodiversity areas.

Application close on 30 November 2014.

For complete position descriptions and application procedures, please visit the career section on our website http://www.snvworld.org/en/countries/indonesia/careers