
Search for Common Ground (SFCG) Vacancy: Multimedia Trainer Consultant, Jakarta

Search for Common Ground (SFCG) is an International Non-Governmental Organization which works on peace-building and conflict transformation issues. SFCG works with various stakeholders such as government, security sectors, and civil society in order to transform the way world deals with conflict from adversarial into cooperative solutions. Since its establishment in 1982, nowadays SFCG has worked in 35 countries worldwide consisting countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America.

SFCG has established in Indonesia since 2002, with various peace-building programs as we have encouraged many actors from different background to cooperate finding solutions towards conflict based on mutual understanding and respect through dialogue, capacity building, and media production (comic book, television series, and community radio).

SFCG is now looking for three consultants for conducting multimedia production training which comprises of documentary video training, blog design & contents training, and visual design training. Each consultant will conduct one of those trainings. This training will be intended to students in university and high school students in order to build youth awareness within their schools/university regarding the danger of violent conflict which is caused by extremism ideology. The output of this training is the students can produce their own documentary video, blog, and posters which will be used for campaign to fight against violent conflict/extremism in wider audiences.  This multimedia production training will be held within four cities around Indonesia: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Palu, involving not less than 15 high schools and 15 universities within one year program.

General Requirements:

A. Documentary Video Trainer
  • Candidates should have at least 3 years experiences in conducting video training and production.
  • Mastering skills on documentary video training and production.
  • Understanding youth issues regarding violent conflict and violent extremism in Indonesia context would be good advantages.
  • Willing to travel to selected cities for conducting the training.
  • For documentary video consultants, must be able to work in one year contract preparing whole process from video training, coaching, and video production.
B. Blog Design Trainer
  • Candidates should have at least 3 years experiences in conducting design training.
  • Mastering skills on blog design training.
  • Understanding youth issues regarding violent conflict and violent extremism in Indonesia context would be good advantages. 
  • Willing to travel to selected cities for conducting the training.
C. Visual Design Trainer
  • Candidates should have at least 3 years experiences in visual design training. 
  • Mastering skills on visual design training.
  • Understanding youth issues regarding violent conflict and violent extremism in Indonesia context would be good advantages. 
  • Willing to travel to selected cities for conducting the training.
If you are interested in this vacancy, please send a CV including with your portfolio, budget proposal and cover letter to phandayani@sfcg.org no longer than 3 November 2014.