
Wetlands International Vacancy: Manggrove Capital Program, Bogor - West Java

Wetlands International Job Vacancies 2014

Project duration: September 2014 – September 2017

Based in: Bogor, Indonesia

Mangrove Capital is a leading mangrove conservation initiative, implemented by Wetlands International and partners1. We envision a future in which healthy mangroves contribute to the prosperity and resilience of vulnerable people. Our program triggers change in various ways: Action research provides critical knowledge on mangrove values and on the management needed to sustain those values. Demonstration projects show how mangrove restoration and sustainable aquaculture practices contribute to development needs. Field pilots and research findings are the basis for policy dialogues that inspire government partners, communities and private sector stakeholders to act.

Mangrove Capital is structured as an overarching program with phases and building blocks towards achieving longer-term objectives. In the first phase of Mangrove Capital (2011 - 2014) we designed and tested innovative mangrove restoration measures to enhance coastal safety, investigated mixed mangrove-aquaculture systems and their ecosystem services, and created enabling policy conditions for improved mangrove management. Mangrove Capital phase I have placed us in the position to influence policy and practice at scale. In Mangrove Capital Phase II the partners envision three big projects to feature under one Mangrove Capital umbrella: 1) Building with Nature, 2) Global Mangrove Watch and 3) Mangrove Aquaculture Landscapes. These projects all follow the same science-policy practice approach that proved to be a powerful combination in Mangrove Capital phase I. All three projects will contribute to the same overarching aim to rehabilitate degraded and nonproductive coastlines in Western Indonesia by creating multiple use mangrove landscapes, where healthy mangroves coexist with and contribute to productive agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries sectors. Underpinning this we continue to fill gaps in knowledge and develop participative decision-making tools that help to integrate mangrove values in coastal zone planning. Phase II will have a major focus on the implementation of several large field initiatives that demonstrate how mangrove rehabilitation transforms degraded, vulnerable, and non-productive coastlines into productive lands. By effectively embedding these approaches in existing government programs and by influencing policies and standards we reach scale.

The Senior Policy and Communications Manager for the Mangrove Capital program will 1) contribute actively to Mangrove Capital phase II program development in close collaboration with the overall Mangrove Capital Program Manager, 2) will coordinate all Mangrove Capital activities in Indonesia, and 3) will lead strategic policy dialogue and communications to ensure that coastal policies and plans in Indonesia acknowledge the values of mangroves and other coastal ecosystems. In carrying out these tasks, the Senior Policy and Communications Manager will be assisted by various technical officers from Indonesia and abroad and the existing policy and communications team of Wetlands International.


Contribute to Mangrove Capital program development
  • Further detailing our resource development strategy, contribute to proposal development, active engagement with donors
  • Partnership development, scoping new partners if and when needed and appropriate, formalizing collaboration agreements with partners
  • Active participation in the global mangrove and aquaculture community and in
  • Wetlands International’s community of practice for coastal resilience.
  • Leveraging substantial co-funding, from Indonesian and other governments, the private sector, and donors.
Project Management for all Mangrove Capital activities in Indonesia
  • Support the Director with e.g. contracting, budgeting, and recruitment of new staff in relation to all (upcoming) projects under the Mangrove Capital program in Indonesia.
  • Coordinate project staff in the implementation of Mangrove Capital activities and projects, prepare work plans, monitor progress, and performance.
  • Frequent communication and collaboration with the overall Mangrove Capital Program Manager and with global and Indonesian Mangrove Capital partners to enable science-policy-practice linkages.
  • Regular formal reporting on project outcomes and on advocacy and communications achievements
Lead strategic advocacy and communications in Indonesia
  • Develop and coordinate the implementation of a policy and communication strategy on mangroves and coastal resilience in support of the Mangrove Capital phase II program in Indonesia, as based on a detailed policy review and stakeholder mapping.
  • Ensure that technical knowledge on mangrove values is translated into understandable communication and promotional materials (policy briefs, brochures, blogs, etc.), in collaboration with NGO partners and knowledge institutes
  • Participate actively and frequently in planning and policy dialogues, and, based on scientific insights, encourage the integration of sustainable mangrove management into legal frameworks.
  • Encourage the integration of sustainable mangrove management into aquaculture and coastal fisheries developments by the private sector.
  • Develop and maintain relations with a network of journalists and other media and ensure that news, blogs, publications, positions and promotion materials are widely disseminated among the different target audiences (such as through mailing lists, platforms, fora, at events, social media, direct emails, etc),
  • Write and edit the web-based information on our coastal resilience work for the Wetlands International – Indonesia Programme website.

INSIDE Wetlands International:
Indonesia: reporting to the Director of Wetlands International Indonesia Programme, collaborating with various communications and technical officers, managing the Mangrove Capital team (consisting of 2 – 8 technical officers/field staff).

Headquarters: working closely with the overall Mangrove Capital Program Manager and collaborating with the policy and communications team and other relevant staff

Global network: actively participating in the community of practice on coastal resilience

OUTSIDE Wetlands International:
The Senior Policy and Communications Manager will also be working with partner NGO’s and knowledge institutes, government and corporate decision-makers, and media contacts.

Reporting to:
Director Wetlands International Indonesia Programme (line management)
Program Manager Mangrove Capital at Wetlands International Headquarters (overall Mangrove Capital program management)

The successful candidate is an ambitious, independent academic thinker, with a passion for environmental conservation and sustainable development. S/he is an experienced networker who knows his/her way in policy environments and who is able to work in a creative way to bring scientific knowledge concerning mangroves to the attention of policymakers and other stakeholders. We seek an Indonesian National for this position with fluency in English.


  • At least a Masters degree (S2) in Policy/ Communications, with extensive experience in environmental sciences (or vice versa).
  • Demonstrated track record in developing and managing strategic programs and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary team, in an international academic environment.
  • Ability to initiate dialogues with government and private sector stakeholders and to facilitate input of technical contributions to policy and planning processes.
  • Professional network of relevant contacts.
  • Excellent communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia (oral and written) with fluent English.
  • Demonstrated track record in writing and editing articles, website content, reports, and press releases.
Skills and competencies that will be considered advantageous:
  • Working experience in coastal zone management in Indonesia.
  • Understanding and interest in wetland issues or related subjects in the field of water, poverty, conservation, and sustainable development.
  • Working experience in the NGO sector and/or within academia.
  • Current understanding of resource economics, social science, soil science, and hydrology.
To Apply:
Please send a cover letter and CV by 31st of October 2014 to: Ms. Anggita Kalistaningsih (admin@wetlands.or.id) with cc to Ms. Silva Paronakian (Silva.Paronakian@wetlands.org). Please mark in the subject: "Senior Policy and Communications Manager for the Mangrove Capital Program"