
WCS Indonesia Program Vacancies: Landscape Program Managers - Kota Agung (Lampung) & Medan (North Sumatera)

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has a distinguished history of scientists exploring and saving wildlife in some of the most remote and wild places remaining on Earth. The Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Program (WCS-IP) has significantly grown over the last decades, and contributed substantially to the conservation of biodiversity in Indonesia. In order to achieve our overall goal of saving wildlife and wild places in Indonesia, WCS-IP includes amongst its strategic priorities the landscape-level conservation, support to protected areas (PAs), species conservation actions, and engaging local communities.

Within South Sumatra, WCS focuses on landscape-level conservation around Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, which form part of the World Heritage Site, Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, and Way Kambas National Park. These sites contain two of the remaining populations of Sumatran Rhino in Indonesia, and are very important for Tiger and  Elephant. Despite the GOI’s strong commitment and efforts in sustainably managing its protected areas, these PAs face serious threats. WCS-IP opts for an approach which aims to enhance PA management effectiveness by spearheading and piloting innovative interventions, which can serve as examples of excellence for the national PA system.

As a mega-diversity country, Indonesia encompasses a high number of endemic species of flora and fauna. While the goal of the national PA system is to protect and conserve the country’s biological and genetic diversity, many important geographical areas and species are currently not protected. WCS-IP is therefore exploring new methods of conservation, such as payment for environmental services, REDD, engaging communities in conservation actions, working with companies, etc. Recognizing the complexities of landscape-level conservation in Indonesia, WCS aims to address these issues through research, monitoring, policy advice as well as direct support in the field.

To increase the effectiveness of our conservation interventions and strengthen the role WCS-IP in Sumatra, WCS-IP has decided to create positions of a Landscape Program Managers, as details follows:
  1. One position for the Southern Sumatra Landscape Based in Kota Agung, Lampung 
  2. One position for Northern Sumatera Landscape Based in Medan, North Sumatera
Both Landscape Program Managers  working under the management of the Sumatra Program Manager of the WCS-IP, as well as working closely together with technical leads as a team. The Landscape Program Managers will be supported by program coordinators and administration staff.

For more information about the positions and Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program in details, please visit our website at HERE