
Vacancy Notification Mid Term Evaluation Consultant - Search For Common Ground Indonesia


Mid Term Evaluation Consultant

Search for Common Ground Indonesia is looking for an experienced evaluator to carry out the Final evaluation of its project “Reducing Recidivism: A Process for Effective Disengagement of High-Risk Prisoners in Indonesia”, a program aiming to reduce the rate of recidivism among high-risk prisoners in Indonesia.
This Terms of Reference (TOR) defines the work that must be carried out by the external reviewer/evaluator. It provides a brief outline of the project, specifies the scope of the evaluation, and outlines the evaluation method:

I. The target groups for this program are:
  • DGC staff members who have already participated on TOT CMT and LST conducted by SFCG ; 60 high-risk prisoners housed in three prisons across Indonesia (20 prisoners per prison),  (Phase I). 
  • DGC staff members  (National and local level) who have participated on profiling workshop; high risk prisoners in 4 prisons in Java (Semarang, Cirebon, Cilacap, and Cibinong) (Phase II)
II. This project is intended to have several direct results: 
  • DGC staffs have increased capacity to facilitate CMT and LST with prisoners. 
  • High-risk prisoners are prepared for better reintegration into society upon release from prisons
III. Evaluation criteria and key evaluation questions 
This final evaluation aims to evaluate the program that have been implemented for the first phase of the program (1 June – 30 November 2013) and the second phase (1 April – 31 September 2014). The goal of the evaluation is to help SFCG and partners to see how the program affected significant change on how DGC has effective mechanism for the disengagement of high risk prisoners. The findings for this evaluation include lessons learned and recommendations, which will be very helpful for developing and planning projects on disengagement of violence extremism in the future.
IV. Evaluation Methodology
SFCG has guiding principles for conducting program evaluations. These include: participatory, culturally sensitive, committed to building capacity, affirmative and positive while honest and productively critical, and valuing knowledge and approaches from within the context. The evaluator will meet the project participants, partners, SFCG staff and relevant stakeholders. Meetings will be conducted in certain prisons (Cirebon, Cilacap, Cipinang). The consultant evaluator will develop the methodology and tools of the evaluation finalize in consultation with SFCG management and DM&E staff. The evaluation methodology and data collection tools will need approval from the SFCG Indonesia DM&E team.

V. Scope of Work
a.        Location:
This evaluation will take place in Cirebon, Cilacap, and Cipinang prisons to be finalized in consultation with the Program Director and the DM&E Officer.
b.      Deliverables:
The consultant is expected to submit a final report of the mid-term evaluation. The report should strictly be written in English language and should not exceed 20-25 pages (excluding annexes). It should be submitted electronically in a MS-Word document (see annex 1 for report format). It may include:
  • Executive Summary of key findings and recommendations; 
  • Evaluation findings, analysis and conclusions with associated evidence and data clearly illustrated. Use of tables, graphs, quotes, anecdotes and stories to illustrate findings and conclusions is encouraged; 
  • Recommendations for the next actions, which should be practical and linked directly to conclusions; and 
  • Appendices, including methodology and evaluation tools, list of interviewees, questionnaire, and brief biography of evaluator.
The evaluator will strictly follow the reporting format while writing the report. The evaluator will incorporate the comments furnished by SFCG and will submit an edited final report at the end. The report will be credited to the evaluator and potentially placed in the public domain at the decision of SFCG.
c.       Duration & Deadlines
The duration of contract will be a total of 20 (twenty) days starting from the first week of September to the end of September 2014.
  • The evaluation plan and inception should be submitted by 20 of August 2014. 
  • The field evaluation should take place between 1 – 9 September 2014. 
  • The first draft of the report should be submitted by 15 of September 2014. 
  • The final report should be submitted by 22 September 2014. 
  • All information generated during the evaluation will be sole property of SFCG and are subject to submission to SFCG along with the final report.
VI. Evaluator's Role and Competencies

Evaluator’s Role
The evaluation will be carried out by a single external evaluator, who will report to and work under the guidance of SFCG's DM&E Officer, who is also the Evaluation Manager of this evaluation.

The external evaluator will:
  • Identify and define evaluation priority areas, methodology and indicators; 
  • Design and implement data collection; 
  • Analyze data and findings and prepare a report; 
  • Write and submit a final report; 
  • Make a brief presentation of findings and recommendations to SFCG Indonesia and partners.
Supervision of the Consultant:
The consultant will be under the direct supervision of the SFCG Program Director, Mr. Agus Nahrowi. With further assistance from Ms. Maghfiroh during final evaluation implementation.

Please send your Curriculum Vitae and cover letter (including expected salary) to phandayani@sfcg.org, by 5pm, Monday, 11 August 2014. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.