
Job Opening: Program Officer - PNPM Peduli, Jakarta

Program Officer – PNPM Peduli

The Asia Foundation is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Program Officer in the program PNPM Peduli, implemented under the Coordination Ministry of Social Affairs (Menkokesra).

Through the Asia Foundation, PNPM Peduli supports CSOs to work with and for the social inclusion of marginalized populations – vulnerable children and youth, victims of human rights violations, discriminated religious minorities, excluded forest-dependent communities, people with disabilities, and waria. The program seeks to create opportunities for inclusive development at the community level, with an emphasis on increasing access to government services such as health, education and poverty alleviation.

Program Officers will work as part of a team to support and oversee funding to Executing Organizations and local level CSOs. Responsibilities include program development, capacity building through facilitation and coaching, monitoring and evaluation, external communications, reporting, grants management and monitoring of program spending. Program Officers have regular contact with other related Asia Foundation good governance programs to foster cross-learning. They also represent the program to partners, government counterparts, donors and other international agencies.

  • Minimum of 5 years work experience designing and implementing international development programs, with a strong background of specialization in one of the Peduli target groups, and experience in community-based social inclusion strategies; 
  • Experience in project management and strategic grant-making;
  • Experience in developing and managing capacity building programs; 
  • Solid understanding and extensive experience with the civil society movement working on issues related to social inclusion of excluded minorities; 
  • Knowledge and experience working with women and people with disabilities is a benefit; 
  • Experience working with government counterparts, including Kemenkokesra, Bappenas, TNP2K, and Kemensos; 
  • Prior experience working for international organizations or donor agencies a plus; 
  • Knowledge and experience working with women and people with disabilities is a benefit. 
Excellent communication skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia are needed, as well as strong analytical skills, excellent interpersonal skills, and ability to represent the program externally.

Qualified applicants can submit their application to hrd@tafindo.org with subject heading Program Officer – PNPM Peduli. Closing date is June 30, 2014. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.