
ASEAN Website Improvement (DAI-ASEAN U.S. PROGRESS)

DAI (Development Alternatives Inc.) implements the ASEAN-U.S. Partnership for Good Governance, Equitable and Sustainable Development and Security ( PROGRESS) project whose objective is  to help ASEAN implement  its vision of a Southeast  Asia “living in peace, stability and prosperity” by :
  • Enhancing ASEAN’s ability to advance good governance and political-security integration;
  • Improving ASEAN’s capacity to promote equitable and sustainable human development; and
  • Increasing the ASEAN Secretariat’s institutional capacity
To achieve maximum impact in the third area,  DAI invites qualified offerors to submit proposals to improve the effectiveness of ASEAN’s website which is managed by the ASEAN secretariat in Jakarta. The schedule for this Request for Expression of  Interest ( EOI ) is as follow:
  • EOI deadline  : June 17, 2014
  • Q&A conference : June 19,2014. RSVP for this event is required by COB June 17, 2014.
  • Proposal Submission deadline : July 04, 2014
To obtain the complete document of Request For Proposal (RFP), interested offerors should contact the Progress Procurement at the following address :