
SCI seeks a Consultant - Developing Module & Pilot the Mother & Father Group session in Hospital

SCI is looking for a consultant with Scope of Work below:

Scope of Work Consultant
Develop Module and pilot the Mother and Father Group session in hospital (Kelas Ibu Bapak di RS)
Athene-Gaming for Good

Although Indonesia has made significant progress towards reducing child mortality in the past 25 years, progress on reducing newborn mortality has not progressed as fast.  Approximately half of child mortality in Indonesia now occurs during the first 28 days of life.  Save the Children is addressing this through our health programs in six Indonesian provinces.  This includes the USAID-funded Expanding Maternal and Newborn Survival (EMAS) program and SELARAS (Sederhana Berdampak Luar Biasa) that specifically works to reduce maternal and newborn mortality.  

We have identified the need to equip parents/caregivers with knowledge and skills to be able to improve care practices for newborns during the critical first days of life.  This should be done through consultations and intensive, but brief skills building sessions with care givers when they are in the hospital or Puskesmas in the days after birth.  There will be a focus in this training process on families with low birth weight and pre-mature babies who are at higher risk of complications or death.  Initial work has started by LKBK (Lembaga Kesehatan Budi Kemuliaan) in Budi Kemuliaan Hospital in Jakarta, which has been a center of excellence in emergency and neonatal care, and has integrated a similar skills building sessions for new care takers in their facility in Jakarta.
Purposes of the consultancy:
To document and pilot a model of hospital based father-mother support group around caring practices for premature/low birth weight babies based on documented experience of Budi Kemuliaan Hospital.  

Scope of work consultant:
The consultant has agreed to conduct the following activities:
  1. Develop a more specific workplan, strategy and budget to do the task and discuss this with LKBK and SCI (including SELARAS and EMAS team). A small task group will be formed that involves representatives of EMAS (LKBK, SCI mainly) and SELARAS
  2. Observe and document LKBK experience in implementing Father-Mother Support Group in Budi Kemuliaan hospital Jakarta (as center of excellence in the EMAS program), in  a form of a module
a.     Prepare paper work and coordination with Budi Kemuliaan Hospital staffs to these activities
b.    Observe the running session in hospital
c.     Collect information from hospital staffs on the selection mechanism of participants, key messages, method of knowledge and skills transfer, materials needed, monitoring mechanism, etc
d.    Collect information from  participants of kelas ibu bapak via FGD or exit interview
e.    Compile the lesson learned from implementing session, provide recommendations to adapt the kelas ibu bapak to other hospital and Puskesmas

  1. Task Analysis based on result of previous step:
a.     Define the target participants for kelas ibu bapak and the facilitators
b.    List the tasks to be performed by the target participants
c.     List the skills and knowledge needed to do the tasks.
d.    Select the skills and knowledge to be taught (Key messages ), and recommended schedule

  1. Design and development Module
a.     Organize the selected skills and knowledge into suitable teaching units (modules) and develop the training design (including brief outlines of module content and planned training methods).
b.    Expanded outlines of modules, including instructional objectives, main body of text, and descriptions of training methods, examples and exercises.
c.     Draft the complete modules, facilitator guidelines, tools/materials etc
d.    Field-test the training materials.
e.    Revise and finalize training materials based on the field test.
f.      Round table discussion with the task group to finalize draft module and a model ready to be piloted
  1. Pilot hospital based kelas ibu bapak-hospital based o the written module in Budi Kemuliaan hospital in Majalaya public hospital in Bandung-Jawa Barat. This should be framed as part of roll out of Indonesia Newborn Action Plan
a.      Roll out training in assigned hospital/Puskesmas
a.     Organize accommodation, logistics, consumption administration to the training implementation collaboration with SC staff and hospital
b.    Prepare the training agenda, materials and tools as needed
c.     Identification of participants and candidate facilitator, and making sure their availability
d.    Implementing the training
e.    Provide feedback and lesson learnt to the facilitator and feedback from the participants
f.      Writing report
b.      Monitoring and mentoring the implementation
a.     Provide the tools of monitoring and mentoring implementation
b.    Modeling two batches monitoring and mentoring
  1. Document the pilot process, finalize the module and model of kelas ibu bapak hospital; share lessons learned and final model for continuation and scale up

  1. Report of documentation of initial model kelas ibu bapak hospital group implemented in Budi Kemuliaan hospital
  2. Training module and final model of support group soft copy and hard copy; including monitoring and mentoring tools soft copy and hard copy
  3. Report of the overall pilot process, using the following outline: Background, Process, lesson learned and recommendations, Annexes
Timeframe : April-Aug 2014

If you are interested to apply, please send your updated CV and application letter to recruitment.indonesia@savethechildren.orgPlease fill the "subject" column of the e-mails in this format: <FM-Health><your name> by the latest 6 April 2014. (Only short-listed candidates will be notified)
Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability
All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children's commitment to protecting children from abuse