
Consultancy Opportunity With The World Bank Office Jakarta Human Development Unit

Short Term Consultancy Opportunity with the World Bank Office Jakarta Human Development Unit

1.   Background
The Royal Government of the Netherlands established the Dutch Education Support Program (DESP), which has the overall goal of conducting technical analyses using global knowledge and international best practices to help the Ministry of National Education (now Ministry of Education and Culture -- MoEC) reach the objectives of its Medium-term Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) and successfully implement policies under the December 2005 Teacher Law. One component under the DESP is the Rapid Response Facility, which quickly responds to Government demand for technical assistance as critical policy and program issues arise.  The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has requested that a study be performed on the review of local school grants and TA on the implementation of school performance-based grants.

As part of efforts to support the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government’s initiative to improve its Education Operational Funds (BOP) program, the World Bank is supporting the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government with information outreach initiative that aims at providing clear and relevant information for public, especially parents, about BOP purpose to garner wider public support and oversight for usage of funds.

As part of the information outreach targeting elementary school parents, the World Bank also intends to support DKI Jakarta Education Office in conveying messages to key stakeholders, including policy makers, government officials, community leaders, and particularly the mass media.  The World Bank wish to obtain the services of Communication and Media Assistant to support development and implementation of  BOP DKI Information Outreach Initiative in particular and backstop support to the World Bank Human Development Unit communications needs in general.

2.   Purpose of the Consultancy
The consultant will provide technical input and support to BOP DKI Information Outreach Initiative with media relations plan, preparation, well-targeted and well-disseminated relevant supplementary materials. The consultant will also support the Human Development Communication Team with the planning, drafting and developing communication materials and events for DESP national and regional dissemination activities.  

3.   Scope of work
The consultant is responsible for developing, planning and support execution of media relations plan for BOP DKI Information Outreach Initiative and support the Human Development Unit Communication Team. This will include, but not limited, to:
  • Development of BOP DKI media relations activities with timeline, terms of reference and tentative budget.
  • Manage administrative aspects of activities in coordination with Communication Team, ACS Team, BOP-DKI team for effective and efficient implementation.
  • Execute media relations activities.
  • Develop relevant BOP-DKI and HD communications materials for journalist and relevant stakeholders
  • Contribute to the management and maintenance of relationships between BOP-DKI team of the World Bank and DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, specifically for media relations-related support. 
  • Assist Human Development Unit Communication and Outreach Specialist in developing and maintaining relations with key reputable national media.
  • Assist the Human Development Unit Communication Team as required. 
The Communication and Media Assistant will be working closely with the Human Development Communication Team, the BOP-DKI team.

4.   Output:
  • Activity design, budget and schedules of media relations activities;
  • Press releases and journalist-targeted materials to support DKI Jakarta BOP message delivery and/or other Human Development program and activities as required;
  • ToR and activity reports on Media Outreach activities and implementation;
  • Draft briefs for Human Development Unit activities and web-package/ communication materials
  • Coordinated aspect of administrative-related matter with WB team;
  • Support Communication Team with capturing DESP lessons learned which support overall activities implementation and dissemination.
5.   Selection Criteria:
  • Communications professional with a degree in relevant field
  • Demonstrated at least 3 (three) years experience in handling development and implementation of communications strategies/programs for public sector clients or for public policy issues/media relations
  • Demonstrated experience writing and editing for the web, and in the production of digital communications including filming and editing of video, production of audio, and written web content.
  • Familiarity with practices for designing effective, engaging, and persuasive communication materials and content for printed and on-line/social media
  • Demonstrated highly developed Bahasa Indonesia and English communication skills both written and verbal and interpersonal.
  • Ability to work in multi-cultural teams
  • Self-starter, highly motivated and adaptable.
6.   Length of Assignment
The Short-Term Consultant contract will be for 100 working days, effective during the period of April – December 2014. The consultant will be based in Jakarta.

Interested candidates are encouraged to send their application and brief CV to gsuhartono@worldbank.org by 25 March 2014. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.