
OASIS Sustainable Projects: “Rural Development Program - RDP IV” in Timor - Leste

Organizational/Capacity Development for the public extension service

“Rural Development Program - RDP IV” in Timor-Leste.

The RDPIV is a Program funded by the European Union and implemented by Camões IP - Institute for Cooperation and Language - and by GIZ -German Cooperation in Timor-Leste, with the global aim of contributing to the implementation of the Timorese Government’s vision on rural development. 

OASIS Sustainable Projects has been working with the Rural Development Programme (RDP IV) in the provision of technical services and experts for the Program, in order to achieve the Government’s and the Project’s sustainability targets.

The overall objective of RDP IV is to contribute towards the realisation of the Government's vision for rural development, as described in the Strategic Framework for Rural Development. 

RDP IV has three components: (1) Strengthening Public Agricultural Extension Services; (2) Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Rural Roads and (3) Support to the Inter-Ministerial Commission for Rural Development (ICRD). 

The first component is co-implemented by the Portuguese Cooperation (Camões IP) and by the German Cooperation (GIZ). The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) is the main implementation partner for the programme component 1. RDP IV works with and through MAF structures at national and district level, mostly being the National Directorate for Agricultural and Community Development (NDACD). 

The specific objective of Component 1 is to contribute towards sustainable increases in nutrition and food security for farm households and rural communities through strengthening the public agricultural extension service. It seeks to deliver four main results:

1. Agricultural education system is improved towards demand and practice orientation and improved professionalism.
2. Skills of Agricultural Extensionists (AEs) and Subject-Matter-Specialists (SMS) are increased and a continuous skills training system is established.
3. Effective agricultural extension management systems (EMS) are established.
4. Extension campaigns are efficiently executed.

During the course of the implementation MAF is going through an internal re-structuring process, which was supposed to be started with the passing of the new organic law and organizational structure of the Ministry. So far, this process has not been finalized and the reform of MAF is pending. 

While after two years of implementation, the RDPIV has already had considerable success in strengthening the capacities of individual officers, with the passing of the new organic law and organogram, as well as further decentralization of service provision it will be important to develop a strategy that will increase the overall managerial effectiveness of the NDACD. One mean to achieve this managerial strengthening would be to help MAF to develop a comprehensive capacity development strategy for the extension service as a whole, which would be institutionalized within the new organizational structure of the Ministry and its implementation units at district level. 

As the new Organic Law for the Ministry of Agriculture is about to be approved (early 2014), it is a moment of opportunity to profit of the adaptation to the changes that will occur, and build a new strategy together with the Directorate in a early institutional stage. 

The task of developing a strategy that will improve the complex system of capacity development for improved extension management and service delivery to the rural farmers needs to be fully owned by the NDACD, and as so needs to be developed in close collaboration with MAF. In 2013 there have been already efforts to develop a comprehensive capacity development strategy for the extension service, but these activities had to be dropped due to the stuck reform process and an unclear institutionalization as well.

Under the scope of this Program, OASIS is seeking candidates for the following position:

Position: Service Provision of Organizational/Capacity Development for the public extension service in Timor-Leste

Location: Timor-Leste

Start: April 2014

Duration: 60 person-days

Language: English, Tetum / Portuguese. Bahasa Indonesia will be an advantage

Application Deadline:  12 February 2014 (24:00h Díli Time)

Objective of the Consultancy
In the framework of the changes brought by the new organic law, the Organizational/Capacity Development Expert is expected to design and help implement a strategy that will strengthen capacity development within the NDACD. This strategy will have to be aligned with Timor- Leste’s Agricultural Extension Policy and Strategy, with to the MAF strategic plan (2020), with the National Agriculture Extension Manual, with the findings of the Institutional and the Capacity Needs Assessments carried under the RDPIV, and with the RDPIV Capacity/Institutional Development Approach implemented so far. The Consultant(s) will work closely with the NDACD and other relevant stakeholders to insure ownership of the designed strategy and adoption of recommendations.

Terms of Reference and expected outcomes
Based on already existing initiatives and in close coordination with the RDP IV PMU, the expert will:
  • Assess the new organizational structure of the NDACD in the context of the reform processes in MAF including effects the implementation of the new MAP organic has on the NDACD in terms of re-structuring needs;
  • Assess management structures and information flow of the NDACD (in particular staff’s roles and responsibilities and implementation of performance assessment measures);
  • Define realistic recommendations for a standard set of qualification at the different levels for all extension staff, which is required to fulfil their respective tasks;
  • Develop a simple tool to assess the gaps between the standard qualification recommendations and the existing skill levels;
  • Discuss and coordinate the draft recommendations and the proposed tool with relevant stakeholders in- and outside MAF;
  • All recommendations developed will take cross-cutting issues such as equality and conflict mitigation in training provision into account;
  • Define a methodology and schedule to close these identified gaps, looking into different options such as in-house trainings provision, intensive courses, after-work/ week-end courses for formal and informal qualification;
  • This proposed methodology should include:
o   Criteria for the future selection of suitable trainers (ToT approach) at national and district level;
o   Standards for training packages (e.g. pre- and post-test; syllabus for different levels of applicants)
o   Pre-conditions for the ToT methodology
  • Develop recommendations for the institutionalization of systematic capacity development with a holistic approach within the new MAF / GoTL structures;
  • Link all recommendations with the current efforts under RDP IV result 1 to develop a definition of standard trainer qualifications for the agricultural sector;
  • Review the 6 RDPIV training modules (procedures, planning) according to the overall capacity development strategy and proposed methodology, and (if necessary) suggest improvements;
  • Discuss and coordinate the draft capacity development strategy with relevant stakeholders in-and outside MAF; 
·   The contract will last 60-person days in the Timorese territory.
·   The consultant(s) will be placed to work integrated in the team of the NDACD during the time of the consultancy, in order to have day-to-day interfaces, given most of the work for the contract will be located at National Level, in Díli (capital of Timor- Leste) in coordination with the main political stakeholders and the PMU RDP IV office, at the MAPTL and will be required to travel within the country.
·   The consultant(s) will conduct field visits if necessary.
·   The contract is expected to be completed by 1-2 individuals. 2 man consultant teams are welcome to apply.

Applications should be submitted in English language and include the following: 

1.    Cover Letter with Short Outline
2.    Curriculum Vitae of the potential consultant(s)
3.    Proposed budget costs for the service execution
4.    Copy of Professional and Medical insurance, applicable also in Timor-Leste (note: if already existent at the time of application. If not and if successful, the candidate will be required to present said evidence to OASIS, as a mandatory condition for contracting his/her services)
5.    Other documentary evidence deemed relevant

to be sent until February 12th, 2014 (24:00h Díli Time) to the following email: jobs@oasis-sustainable.com with the reference/subject: “Application: Service Provision of Organizational/Capacity Development for the public extension service in Timor-Leste”.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further interview. 

More information on other positions available at: www.oasis-sustainable.com/jobs