
CDRM&CDS: Evaluator for Partnership Workshop, Medan

Title of the Services Required:
Facilitate a partnership workshop with the key stakeholders of CDRM&CDS to determine the most suitable partnership structure and service delivery method for managing disaster risk and building strong communities in Sumatra.

1. Background and Rationale
CDRM&CDS is mandated to support and facilitate humanitarian and development works in service to vulnerable people of North and West Sumatra, with a focus on building the capacity of church Diaconia in the area of disaster risk management, response and integrated community development more generally.

CDRM&CDS was founded in 2007 through an MoU signed by 12 member churches represented by the Lutheran World Federation National Committee in Indonesia (LWF-NCI), the Lutheran World Federation’s Department for Mission and Development (DMD), Department for World Service (DWS) and three resource partners – the Evangelical Lutheran Church America (ELCA), Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) and Lutheran World Relief (LWR).  CDRM&CDS was auspiced by Universitas HKBP Nommensen.

Since then, with the support of donor partners ELCA, ALWS and LWR (LWR financial support ceased in 2011), CDRM&CDS developed a six year country strategy 2008-2014 and associated project documents for 2009-2011 and 2012-2014.  Implementation has been carried out in Nias, Mentawai, Pakpak and Simalingkar hosted respectively by AMIN and BNKP in Nias, GKPM in Mentawai and GKPPD in Pakpak. LWF/DWS has provided management support since 2009. CDRM&CDS is now an Associate Program of LWF/DWS and ACT Alliance.

CDRM&CDS has been implementing field programs in 13 villages in Nias, 9 villages in Mentawai, 5 villages in Pakpak and 2 villages in Simalingkar to develop capacity of local institutions in disaster risk reduction as well as developing capacity of Diaconal department of 12 Lutheran Churches of Indonesia. It has a Governing Body of nine members from different Lutheran Churches headed by the Nommensen University Rector. The director of CDRM&CDS is responsible for day to day management decisions, with higher level program, budget and policy matters decided by the Governing Body. An annual partners’ meeting involving all Lutheran Church leaders from Indonesia, National Committee and external partners is held each year to oversee annual progress and plans for the following year.

The 2013 partners’ meeting in November resolved to review the partnership between key stakeholders and to determine a way forward for the partnership.

2. Objectives of the assignment

The main objective of this assignment is to facilitate a partners’ reflection workshop scheduled for February 27 and 28, 2014.

2.1 The specific objectives are:


a)    To review past agreements with churches, work progress reports and other relevant documents provided by CDRM&CDS
b)    Prepare a detailed workshop schedule for the said date in consultation with CDRM&CDS director
c)     Facilitate a reflective and open discussion on the current status of the partnership between the key stakeholders – is it working?  If not, why not?  What values are held in common?
d)    Facilitate a discussion which explores possible future partnership structures between the stakeholders
e)    Capture an accurate record of the discussion and decisions made

f)     Prepare a report on the discussion and partnership decisions made during the workshops

3. Scope of Work and Methodology

The assignment shall focus on the following scope of work and methodology:

a)    Desk study: The selected facilitator will review relevant documents of CDRM&CDS and primary briefing and discussion with CDRM&CDS director and program manager in Medan.
b)    Workshop Facilitation: S/he will facilitate the workshop scheduled for February 27 and 28. The workshop is expected to be attended by ELCA, ALWS, LWR and LWF representatives, CDRM&CDS management, and leaders of National Committee and all 12 Lutheran Churches of Indonesia. Participants will use English and Bahasa Indonesia in the workshop, and therefore, the facilitator must be fluent in both languages
c)     Reporting: The facilitator will draft a report summarizing the workshop discussion, detailing the decisions made, and provide some key recommendations relating to the future partnership between CDRM&CDS, the LWF National Committee and its 12 Lutheran Churches of Indonesia, and donor partners. Therefore, the facilitator must submit a report to the CDRM&CDS director, LWF National Committee and donor partners.

4. Time Frame and Deliverables

The facilitator shall take the overall responsibility for the quality of the assignment. S/he will complete the assignment in the following time frame.

S. N.
Deadline to complete
Desk study of all relevant documents including MoUs signed with churches and their implementations
February 24 and 25
Facilitate the workshop
February 27 and 28
Submit report
March 1

CDRM&CDS will also consider travel days in remuneration payment as per the agreed amount.

5. Focal Person at CDRM&CDS

The director of CDRM&CDS will be the focal person for the assignment.

6. Remuneration/Cost Estimate

CDRM&CDS will pay IDR 200,000 day for food and pay actual travel and accommodation cost. CDRM&CDS will pay agreed amount as fee for this assignment.

7. Qualification and Professional Experiences Required

The assignment is focused on a partnership reflection. Therefore, a freelance consultant who has proven track record in conducting partnership assessments will be qualified for the assignment. The potential consultant should forward his/her CV to the director of CDRM&CDS.

CDRM&CDS is equal opportunity employer with respect to gender, ethnicity and religion. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interested candidates are advised to send their CV and application to


CDRM&CDS, Universitas HKBP Nommensen
Porlak Nommensen
Jalan Bunga Rampai V
Simalingkar B, Medan