
Chemonic International Vacancy: Communication Assistant, Indonesian

Representation is central to many aspects of democratic politics and governance worldwide, and a critical determinant of the quality and vibrancy of a democracy. In Indonesia there have been important gains in representation since 1998, with the growth of political parties, CSOs (civil society organizations) and the media, and the empowerment of national and local legislatures. Still, in a country as large and diverse as Indonesia representation is inherently complex and challenging, and still faces a number of barriers. These include disparities of wealth and power, money politics, and a tendency to rely on top-down approaches to governance.
Program Representasi (ProRep) is a USAID-supported project designed to help civil society organizations (CSOs), public policy research centers and other institutions become more representative, effective and responsive to citizens’ needs. It aims to improve representation by increasing the inclusiveness and effectiveness of groups, networks, and institutions that seek to represent citizens’ views, interests, and aspirations to government, and also improve the responsiveness, effectiveness and transparency of legislative processes.
Begun in April 2011 and expected to last three to five years, ProRep are focusing on three major areas:
  • Building the capacity of membership-based CSOs so that they can better represent their members’ and constituents’ interests in undertaking advocacy on key issues and engaging with Government, including the DPR;
  • Supporting independent analysis and public consideration of legislation and policies having a major impact on democratic governance; 
  • Working with those concerned to ensure that legislative processes become more effective, responsive and transparent.
To support the achievement of the intended impact of the program, ProRep develops a communications strategy which objectives are to provide accurate and updated information on the activities conducted to support effective representations in Indonesia and public policy advocacy particularly in USAID’s areas of development priority for Indonesia and to promote good practices and impacts on effective representations to the Indonesian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) partners, Policy Research Institutions, and member of the parliaments to persuade adoption and duplications of the practices to gradually multiplying impact in other areas by other development actors.
The strategy involved revamping of the current ProRep website, development of a range communications materials including program and individual component profile and program factsheet, building database of photo of easy access, establishing networks with local media, and conducting Public Relations activities such as holding a competition and engage in social media. As the project is on its mid-life, it is urgent to execute all action items on the plan simultaneously and as soon as possible – particularly the improved website. As consequences, the workload in the mounting in the early stage thus an additional supports for certain period are required.
The objective of getting a short-term communication assistant is to backstop work of program communications including websites, newsletter, event organizing, and media tracking/relations. The role may also include compiling project profiles (partner and grant) and organize translation, building contact database (partners, stakeholders, media) and organizing photo galleries (online and offline) and captions. The works are more practical yet demand high-attention to details.  
Technical Requirement
The communication assistant should:
  • Graduated from faculty of communications (journalism, public relations, and other) or has been exposed previously in communications work.
  • Good interpersonal and liaison skills 
  • Computer savvy; have experience in working with photo editing software and simple database
  • Have event organizing experience and dealing with local media.
Time schedule
The short term Communication assistant is needed for maximum three (3) months starting immediately – preferably Jan 16, 2013 until end of April 2014. The contract may be extended according to the needs of the project and satisfactory performance of the assistant.

Scope of Work
The scope of work of the communication assistant are include:
  • Compile and organize individual profile of grants which consist of short description of the grantees, of the project funded by ProRep, organizations’ contact details and logo, both in English and/or Indonesia.
  • Select and edit when necessary to enhance the quality of maximum 10 photos for each ProRep and partners’ activity, label each photos accordingly to reflect content and necessary details on activity.
  • Establish new online photo database with captions in English that describe the 3Ws (What, When, Where) of the photo.
  • Organize storage for non-selected activity photos in coordination with ProRep IT assistant.
  • Establish and maintain contact details of stakeholders including grantees, media/journalist, and other related stakeholders.
  • Establish and maintain fruitful network with the journalist, including feeding them with information on the non-parliament activities that ProRep conducted.
  • Organizing timely distribution of ProRep newsletter, electronically and/or printed.
  • Compile lead for success stories from local partners and follow up when required.
  • Attend and document ProRep activities as assigned.
  • Provide guideline for publishing company/consultant who will produce the materials in coordination with the ProRep Communication Manager.
  • Assist in organizing Public Relations activity such as exhibition, competition, etc including backstopping in documentation.
The communication assistant will work under the supervision of ProRep Communication Manager.

Interested applicants are invited to send a cover letter and complete curriculum vitae stated 3 referees to recruitment@prorep.or.id
Deadline for Applications: January 10th, 2014

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No telephone or email inquiry. If you do not hear from us within 2 weeks of the closing date, please assume that you have not been shortlisted.