
Climate and Land Use Alliance Vacancy: Initiative Coordinator, Indonesia

The Initiative Coordinator will be responsible for implementing, monitoring, and coordinating grant making and related activities in the Indonesia Initiative of the Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA).

The initiative includes grantmaking administered by the members of the Climate and Land Use  Alliance, a collaborative initiative  of the ClimateWorks, David and Lucile Packard, Ford, and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundations, and aligned funding of the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation. CLUA seeks to catalyze the potential of forested and agricultural landscapes to mitigate climate change and deliver economic, social, and ecological benefits.

Working closely with the CLUA Director of Programs, and other program officers at the member foundations, the Indonesia Initiative Coordinator will develop grantmaking and other program activities to implement the initiative strategy. The Initiative strategy in Indonesia seeks to promote the development and implementation of public and private sector reforms that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, forest degradation, and sustainable agricultural practices and protect the land and resource rights of traditional peoples and rural communities.


To apply for the position: Please send cover letter and resume torecruitment@climateandlandusealliance.org

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