
Lowongan Gender and Human Rights Specialist STTA, Jakarta

RTI International is one of the world's leading research institutes, dedicated to improving the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. Our staff of more than 3,700 provides research and technical services to governments and businesses in more than 75 countries in the areas of health and pharmaceuticals, education and training, surveys and statistics, advanced technology, international development, economic and social policy, energy and the environment, and laboratory testing and chemical analysis.

RTI-SUM 2 Project is seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA) –60 days Level of Effort, January 2014 – June 2014:
Gender and Human Rights Specialist STTA (one position) – Jakarta
Program Background
SCALING UP FOR MOST-AT-RISK POPULATION II (SUM II) is a USAID- funded program, which provides technical  assistance in organizational performance required to scale-up effective, integrated HIV interventions that lead to substantial and measurable behavior change among Most-at Risk Populations (MARPs) in targeted locations in Indonesia.  The project is managed by Training Resources Group, Inc in partnership with RTI International.  The organizational performance topics include accountability; administration; advocacy and partnership; financial system;, good governance, organizational leadership and management; planning, resource allocation and mobilization; monitoring and evaluation, networking,  policy development. SUM II provides and monitors small grants to qualified civil society organizations to support the scale-up of integrated interventions in “hotspots” where there is a high concentration of one or more MARP and high-risk behavior is prevalent.
Background to the Assignment
 At the core of SUM 2 Year Four Work Plan is a 4-part intervention model for comprehensive services networks (CSNs). This intervention model emerged from SUM II Year 3 lessons and experiences (from SUM II staff, TA providers, and CSOs and local government partners). In Year Four Work Plan, Strategy 1 defines this 4-part model and identifies SUM II sites that will implement one or more parts of the model – aimed at maximizing learning so the model can be refined and rolled-out across the program. CSNs will increase both demand for services and supply of services, and do so in ways that are sustainable after SUM II project end.  As noted above, SUM II in Year 4 will support continued organizational performance (OP) strengthening of Principal CSOs and strategic technical assistance (TA) to developing and emerging CSOs, and informal community organizations (COs).
 SUM II Year Four Workplan will work with CSO and Local Government Partners to build technical integrity in the implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention and care program including gender, and stigma and discrimination. Gender-responsive strategies will improve the effectiveness of HIV prevention, treatment and care by reducing barriers to access for programs and services, improving uptake and quality of services, and creating an enabling environment to support individual behavior change and risk reduction. Strategies and plans that address stigma and discrimination relate to public health policies that impede or facilitate the ability of CSOs to reach MARPs, and access of MARPs to services.
At national level, gender inequality has been recognized as a barrier to reducing the HIV epidemic and is an impediment to national development and welfare. The proportion of PLHIV who are women increased from 21% to 25% between 2006 and 2009, in Tanah Papua, females represent 50% of those living with HIV.
MSM and Waria sex workers also are experiencing sexual violent rarely met by current services, e.g., counseling for sexual violence (not just HIV tests), programs to fight stigma and discrimination.
Refer to report on Health Sector Response to HIV in Indonesia 2011 found local policies supporting human rights in their approach to HIV and some other policies that contravened them. One district reported proposing banning PLHIV from working in restaurants and hotels. In other local regulations, PLHIV are required to reveal their status. Another example is a local policy in 2010 that made it obligatory for FSWs to use condoms with their clients and to be examined for STI and HIV every 3 months. Other regulations strive to criminalize sex workers for low condom used without addressing the responsibility of the client.
In Year 4, two local TA organizations assisted CSOs in gender-responsive programming and with strategies for addressing stigma and discrimination – focused on improving service delivery. SUM II will also hire one Gender and Human Rights STTA who will work with SUM II staff and the two local TA organizations to mobilize gender-responsive programming, provides TA to SUM 2 CSO and local government partners including Province and District AIDS Commissions, and Health service Providers in SUM II project sites.
Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA) Role and Responsibilities:
The STTA for Health Services for MARPs main responsibility: S/He will work with SUM II Regional Office Staff and TA Provider Institution’s mentors/consultants to provide technical assistance to CSOs, local GoI including Province and District AIDS Commission, and Local Health Service Providers in SUM II project sites. The objective is to improve the effectiveness of HIV prevention, treatment and care by reducing barriers to access for programs and services, improving uptake and quality of services, and creating an enabling environment to support individual behavior change and risk reduction. It has to include addressing stigma and discrimination relate to public health policies that impede or facilitate the ability of CSOs to reach MARPs, and access of MARPs to services.

All of her /his detailed tasks are to facilitate the following needs:
  • Conduct desk review to the existing data and information related the issues of gender, and stigma and discrimation of which related to HIV/AIDS prevention and care program.
  • As it is necessary to strengthen the existing data and information, s/he will conduct qualitative assessment that will involve at least three sub population of KAPs, they are FSWs, Transgender, and Papua Indigenous Women.
  • Facilitate local government, health service providers, and CSOs to develop a framework and tools for Gender-responsive strategies and addressing stigma and discrimination.
  • Facilitate CSO and local government partners to include and/or strengthen program plan, and training or IEC materials with gender responsive and stigma and discrimination.
  • Conduct at least two series of training to SUM II CSO partners and local government partners.
  • Provide in-house training and coaching to CSO staff in technical capacity which is related to gender mainstreaming, and address stigma and discrimintion in project implementation.
  • Facilitate the core player institutions to ensure gender responsive and stigma and discrimination meets with the milestone which is described in the framework previously developed. 
  • The STTA will provide regular report to SUM II Senior Program Coordinator and Organizational Performance.
The selected STTA will then develop their respective detailed Scope of Work (SOW) that outlines the tasks and deliverables which will describe clear support to the implementation of the 4-part model. The STTA will work in 60 days within July 2013 to June 2014.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
  • Demonstrable leadership and management skills and experience to build or strengthen institutional partnership and collaborative leadership in gender responsive and human rights.
  • Experience working with USAID funded projects.
  • Strong in facilitation and training in development skills, and ability to work in a team-oriented setting.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills; fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and good in English.
Minimum Required Qualifications
  • Bachelor Degree, majoring in social science with at least 10 years of experience or Master’s Degree with 5 years of experience in gender responsive and human rights.
  • Considerable experience in overseeing the effectiveness of gender responsive and human rights which is related to HIV prevention and care program.
  • Strong knowledge and skill in HIV/AIDS prevention and care program.
Interested candidates should send the following documentations: Application letter and CV with 3 referees. Please indicate the position you are applying for in the email subject, and submit the application by 15 December 2013 to hr@rti-indomd.rti.org.

RTI values equal employment opportunities. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

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