
Consultancy Opportunity - ICLEI Indonesia, Indonesian Solar City Guidebook

ICLEI – Local Government for Sustainability – Indonesia Project Office currently seeks a short-term Consultant (2 Weeks Work) to establish “Indonesian Solar City Guidebook

The consultant will responsible to finalize a Guidebook with outline: 

Section 1: Introduction (10 Pages)
  • a)    Introductory paragraph on Climate Change, role of cities
  • b)   International perspective of climate change and energy
  • c)    Indonesian perspective of energy and climate change
  • d)   Indonesian perspective of climate change (Indonesian scenario on energy)
  • e)   Yogyakarta as a case study model city
Section 2: National and Sub-national Obligations (2-3 Pages)
  • a)   National
  • b)   Provincial/local
  • c)    Yogyakarta (CASE STUDY TEXT BOX)
  • d)   Update of rules and regulations
Section 3: Development of a Solar City (5 pages)
  • a)    What is a Solar City?
  • b)   Evolution of Solar City concept
  • c)    International program for solar cities
Section 4: Development and Implementation of a Solar City (5 Pages)
  • a)    Motivation for ‘Solar City’ Program in Indonesia
  • b)   Activities towards the development of a Solar City
  • c)    Activities for the development of a Solar City
  • d)   Establish a Stakeholder Committee
  • e)   GHG inventory
  • f)     Preparation of Master Plan and Action Plan
  • g)   Indicative measures to be taken by Cities to develop a ‘Solar City’
Section 5: Indicative RE and EE devices/technologies/systems (5 Pages)

Section 6: International financing mechanisms (3 Pages)
International financing options and related mechanisms

Section 7: Conclusion (1 Page)

Section 8: References (2 Pages)

Back Cover (1 Page)

Disclosure (1 Page)

  • At least six years of experience on renewbale energy and efficiency energy in Indonesia.
  • Experience in research and data collection.
  • Master’s preferred or relevant experience.
  • Strong English writing and speaking skills required.
Application Instructions:
Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume with the subject: “Consultant_Solar City Guidebook” to:Irvan.pulungan@iclei.org Only short listed candidate will be be contacted.
Deadline: Friday, 22, November 2013.

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