
Vacancy Announcement/USAID-SIAP1/Forestry Co – Trainer

Management systems international, inc
StrengtHening Integrity and accountability program 1 (SIAP 1)

Terms of Reference

Position                                : Forestry Co – Trainer
Languages Required       : Bahasa/ English
Duration of Contract      : 10 days
Working Period                : October 2013 - March 2014

The objective of SIAP-1 is to contribute to good governance in Indonesia by strengthening integrity and accountability in government – principally at the national level. It will do this by supporting governmental and non-governmental efforts to strengthen integrity and accountability.

One of the activities is providing a forestry training which will be held for the government agencies staff.  This course will analyze the various methods available to public officials to profit illegally from the Forestry in Indonesia. The program will provide an overview of the operational aspects of this sector and the process of acquiring leases and concession by large companies as well as small operators and also from the environmental view.  An analysis of this process will identify the opportunities for illegal payments and profiteering.  This will further identify the positions or person who may be further scrutinized.  A practical exercise will allow the participants to conduct a simulated investigation of public official and other individuals who may be illegally profiting from this industry.  The participants will use laws of Indonesia to match the facts of the case against the elements of the various criminal statutes that would be appropriated to use.

1.       Co training with the main trainer, giving some preview and references about the subject
2.       Observing the ongoing Specialized Forestry Training, and providing input regarding the Indonesian context when needed.
3.       Provide examples or explanations on the participant’s questions or inquiries regarding Forestry policies in Indonesia, and also Indonesian Law and Legal Systems/ Regulations.
4.       As a resource person, who advises and provides input relating to the actual events

  1. Powerpoint and lectures notes
  2. Serve as a technical expert providing input and comments during the training.
Estimated Time Consumer
  • 5-7 days preparation of powerpoints and lecture notes
  • 1, 5 days delivering the subject
  • 1, 5 days in the classroom available to assist with the practical exercise

Co-Trainer of Specialized Forestry Training must meet the following requirements:
  1. Individual trainer, expertise in Forestry
  2. Have the ability to provide services as a co- trainer/resource person, specifically in Forestry business process.
  3. Have certifications of experiences, relevance to professional services will be provided.
  4. Deliver an acceptable performance, not on the sanctions list or black list in a government agency/state owned company.
  5. Make truthfull statements about his/her competence and capabilities
Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references) and contact number by 25 October 2013, at the latest. Please put the position you apply for as the subject of your email.

Please send applications to hong@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

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