
Call for Proposals: Making All Voices Count (Hivos) Indonesia

Hivos - Making All Voices Count

Making All Voices Count is a global initiative that supports innovation, scaling-up, and research to deepen existing innovations and help harness new technologies to enable citizen engagement and government responsiveness.

Making All Voices Count is implemented by a consortium consisting of Hivos (lead organization), the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and Ushahidi. Making All Voices Count is supported by USAID, DFID, Omidyar Network, and SIDA. Making All Voices Count is a Grand Challenge for Development.

The program will support initiatives in the following countries: South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, as well as global initiatives aimed at having an impact in these countries.

Making All Voices Count will do this by creating:
· mechanisms to help citizens provide feedback on government performance

· stronger incentives for, and greater capacity within, governments to respond to citizens' feedback

· incentives and the capacity for citizens to engage with government to improve their policies and services

Making All Voices Count aims to fund collaborative efforts, rather than one-sided approaches, by awarding grants for the following three components:

Innovation: Backing innovative ideas and technology solutions

Scaling: Scaling up successful initiatives and responses

Research: Building an evidence base on what works and why

Call for proposals

The program is pleased to announce a call for the submission of project proposals, open September 24 until November 8, 2013.

Making All Voices Count hereby invites interested individuals, civil society organizations, (local) government and research institutes to submit their project proposals in one of the three program windows: Innovation, Scaling, and Research.

There is a very strong preference given to proposals which demonstrate a clear relationship between civil society initiatives and government.

Grants available for:
Innovation, open to organizations and individuals (10-40.000 GBP)

Scaling, open to organizations only (40-100.000 GBP)

Research, open to organizations only (max. 75.000 GBP)

For this call, proposals which demonstrate the following research focuses will be given priority:
1. Government responsiveness
2. Exclusion and inclusion
3. Citizen engagement in a time of technology
4. Scaling up, scaling down or scaling out

Further details relating to the research agenda can be found on the website and in the grant manual document.

Terms of Eligibility:

· Project proposals are eligible only in the case that they have a direct influence in one or more of the following 8 program countries: South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria and Indonesia

General criteria:
· Making All Voices Count only supports organizations and individuals whose objectives are in line with the objectives of the program
· Organizations/individuals must uphold the principles of diversity and equality
· Organizations/individuals must be result-oriented and have a sound financial plan
· Preference is given to proposals which demonstrate a partnership with (local)government and/or like-minded programs

Specific criteria relating to program windows:
1. Innovation:
· Open to individuals only

2. Scaling:
· Open to organizations only
· Project proposal must demonstrate linkage to one or more of the program’s eight listed countries
· Project proposal must demonstrate a clear gender policy
· Project proposal must demonstrate at least one partner based in one of the program countries

3. Research:
· Open to organizations only
· Not-for-profit research organizations eligible only
· Project proposal must demonstrate a clear relationship with one of the program countries.
· Project proposal must demonstrate a clear gender policy
· Project proposal must demonstrate a clear partnership with an organization in program country

Implementation period:
Innovation and Scaling projects must be completed within 24 months of signing the contract. Research projects must be completed within 36 months of signing the contract.

Mode of Application:
Applications must be made by submission via the online grant application form. In the case that this is not possible, the form can be sent to: grantapplication@makingallvoicescount.org

Additional information:
More information can be found in the grant manual, available through the website.
If you have further queries regarding this call, please email: grants@makingallvoicescount.org

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