
Biogas Consultant for SNV Indonesia

SNV Indonesia is looking for:

To review Medium Size Biogas Digester Design and Developing Monitoring and User’s Operation and maintenance Manual
1. About SNV
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.
SNV is currently establishing a presence in Indonesia under the coordination of the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Directorate General of Regional Development.  SNV and the Directorate General of Regional Development have agreed to implement a program of cooperation for 3 (three) years.
2. Project Background
SNV works in the sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and water, sanitation and hygiene sectors. Services within the renewable energy sector include domestic biogas, biofuels and improved cookstoves with a focus on providing clean energy for cooking.  SNV’s work in biogas in Indonesia, since 2009 under the partnership with Hivos, has focused on supporting the establishment of domestic biogas plants that convert manure produced at the household level into combustible methane gas that can be used for cooking and lighting lamps.  The overall goal is to develop a sustainable biogas sector where local companies market and install biogas plants as well as provide after sales services.  This systems approach also involves strengthening organizational and institutional capacities in local level and optimizing cooperation between the private sector, government, and end users.
With the financial support of EEP Indonesia and SNV, we will be conducting a pilot project with local partners to examine the potential of Medium Scale Biogas Project in Central Kalimantan. 10 medium size digesters will be constructed at community cattle sheds with the gas produced distributed to nearby households for cooking and lighting.

The overall objective of the project is to develop and test a reliable biogas design appropriate for the Indonesian context and design the necessary operation and management system for a community digester.

The project promotes development of a robust and cost effective medium scale biogas sector that improves access to clean and sustainable energy sources by households in Indonesia. About 10 units will be set up as pilots in Central Kalimantan.

Some of the key activities of the projects are to design and develop an appropriate medium size digester suitable for the Indonesian context particularly for community cattle manure. A preliminary design was developed and installed two digesters based on this design. However, the design has to be reviewed based on the local situation and make the final one for the wider application. For this purpose, SNV wants to engage a suitable consultant for the review of current biogas design and finalise with improvements based on the inputs from the field staff.
A part from this, the consultant will develop monitoring manual for the community digesters and users operation and maintenance manuals separately.

3. Objective
The main objective of the assignment is to review existing design and finalise a suitable medium size fixed dome design digester for community cattle dung. A part from this, 2 manuals have to be developed for monitoring those digesters and techniques on operation and maintenance.
4. Scope of Work
The scope of the assignment is as follows:
  • Review the existing fixed dome design digester of 50m3 size which is strong enough in earth quake prone areas and suitable for communal operation,
  • Develop detailed monitoring manual for the purpose of smooth operation
  • Prepare manual for users operation and maintenance technique
5. Approaches and Methodology
The Consultant should outline the detailed approach and methodology for carrying out this assignment. The methodology shall include a desk study and review of relevant literature related to the project. There are many types of digesters being used in the region and those designs should be critically reviewed as reference. If necessary, consultation and inputs should be received from the experiences of biogas experts from other countries. Based upon the review of designs and consultations, the consultant shall finalise the design with recommendation. The existing design and design parameters will be supplied to the consultant. While finalising the digester design and preparing the manuals, the following parameters should be taken into consideration:
  • Cattle dung based
  • Suitable for earth prone  areas,
  • Low cost as far as possible
  • User friendliness
  • 100% gas tightness
  • Longer life and less maintenance required
  • Community owned and managed
  • Efficient for maximum gas production
  • Gas supplied in multiple households through pipelines
6. Expected Output
  • Clear modified biogas design with working drawing
  • Detail monitoring manual with step by step monitoring process both in English and Bahasa Indonesia
  • Clearly written operation and maintenance manual for the users with illustrations and pictures.
  • The drawings should be preferably developed using an AutoCAD.  Three copies of final design specifications and drawings with detail measurement calculations, three copies of monitoring manual and three copies of operation and maintenance manual each in English and Bahasa Indonesia together with an electronic copy (in CD) of all documents must be submitted to SNV. The manuals must be prepared and performed in a professional way by adhering to strict quality standards.
7. Work Schedule
The assignment will be started tentatively from the second week of November 2013 and expected to be completed before the end of November 2013. The consultant shall provide a detailed work schedule for implementation of the assignment. This will be finalised in conjunction with SNV.  

8. Team Composition
The team should be composed of:
  • Civil Engineer/ Biogas Design Expert having more than 10 years of experience in the biogas field who works as a Team Leader
  • Engineer who has good skills on manual writing
  • Translator who has good skills on translating from English to Bahasa Indonesia.
A consultant who has skills and ability to undertake all above activities also can be acceptable instead of 3 persons.

The Consultant shall submit the name(s) of the required human resources to be assigned for execution of the proposed project. The detailed CVs of the experts to be involved for the conduction of this study must be submitted.

9. Submission of Proposal
The proposal should contain a clear description of the objectives, working methodology, activities, expected major output, the CVs of the persons clearly indicating the job title and responsibilities of each individual to be assigned in the study. Similarly, detailed break down of the financial estimates need to be submitted by the consultant. The costs should be written separately per activity: a) Review of design drawing and recommendation for improvement b) Monitoring manual and, c) Operation and maintenance manual.

Based on the evaluation, SNV will select the best proposal and award the work within a week from the submission cut of date.
10. Acceptance of the Proposal
All rights are reserved with SNV either to approve or disapprove the proposal without giving any specific reasons. If needed, the consultant can be asked for modifications in the proposal before approval.

11. Duties and Taxes
SNV Indonesia will negotiate a contract with the successful consultant. The consultant shall pay all tariffs, duties, other taxes or charges levied by the Government of Indonesia at any stage during the execution of the work.

12. Termination of Contract
In the event that work progress or quality is not satisfactory, SNV shall have the right of withdrawing the contract partly or wholly. Justification for such action will be provided in writing. The portion of the contract value that has not been paid when such action is taken will be retained in SNV as liquidated damages.

How to apply?
Please submit your proposal including CVs, a cover letter addressing the selection criteria and by e-mail with “Biogas Consultant” in the subject line to southasiajobs@snvworld.org no later 10 October 2013.

For more information, please refer to our website: http://www.snvworld.org/
We do not appreciate third-party mediation based on this advertisement.

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