
VACANCY PATTIRO: Program Manager - Jakaarta


Job title : Program Manager
Location: Jakarta
Language required : English
Expected Duration of Assignment : 24 (twenty four) months
Application deadline: 23 June 2013

I. Background
The enactment of Law No. 14 of 2008 on Disclosure of Public Information (abbreviated UU KIP) has significantly transformed the governance of the country from closed to open government. In 2004, civil society organizations formed Civil Society Coalition for Freedom of Information to help push the Disclosure of Public Information Bill into a national legislation. After the passing of the Law, the coalition transformed itself into Freedom of Information Network Indonesia (FOINI), which has overseen the establishment of the Central Information Commission and a number of Provincial Information Commissions and provided assistance to public institutions to comply with the Law. There have been no other laws in Indonesia that has attracted so much civil society participation since its inception.

The Law, however, has not been implemented effectively. On the one hand, many local governments still consider budget documents, for example, as government secret, and only a handful of government agencies have appointed Documentation and Information Management Officer (PPID) and developed a system to respond to public demand for data and information. On the other hand, civil society groups are not aware of their rights to access public information. Therefore, demands for public information remain scanty.

At the global level, there have been efforts to promote information transparency and public information disclosures as well, such as the Open Government Partnership (OGP). OGP started as a collaborative effort of several countries, such as Brazil, USA, the Philippines, South Africa, Mexico, England, Indonesia, and Norway. The collaboration that was launched in September 2011 in New York has attracted 58 countries to join OGP by early 2013. A key component of OGP in Indonesia is to accelerate the implementation of Freedom of Information Law (FOI Act).

Indonesia has assumed a co-chair position with the UK since September 2012, and will become the lead chair in September 2013. The government has called the program to implement OGP as Open Government Indonesia (OGI). Four NGOs are members of the OGI Core Team, namely  PATIRO (Center for Regional Information and Studies), FITRA (Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency), ICEL (Indonesian Center for Environmental Law) and Transparency International Indonesia (TII). As the coordinator of two coalitions that promote information transparency in Indonesia, namely the FOINI and PWYP (Publish What You Pay),  PATIRO has been appointed by civil society organizations to become the coordinator of the Civil Society OGI Secretariat.

To carry out the function of a Joint Secretariat for FOINI and OGI’s civil society components,  PATIRO needs to set up a joint secretariat with clear organizational structure and working procedures.  PATIRO also needs to facilitate the development of program planning to implement FOINI’s strategic plan within the context of OGI implementation in Indonesia.

The Joint Secretariat would need a working procedure to regulate its works in carrying out its five functions in administration, public education, capacity building, networking and resource center. The Civil Society’s program planning to implement FOINI’s strategic plan within the context of OGI implementation in Indonesia version would be a civil society’s contribution to help accelerate the implementation of OGI, which is currently considered as slow and too cautious. Effective implementation of OGI partly depends on the effective implementation of the Disclosure of Public Information Law, especially the creation of public demand for government information and development of system and procedure within government bodies to respond to the demands, which is a crucial component of FOINI’s strategic plan.

II. Duties & Responsibilites
  • To lead the program implementation in order to carry out its rolein:Developingsynergy between the implementation of FOINI’s Strategic Plan and OGI’s national action plan; The Establishment of Documentation and Information Management Officer (PPID)in Health, Education and Agriculture Departmentsat the appointed program areas; Strengthening the capacity of citizens and communities to access and utilize public information; To provide Civil Society Independent Report on the Indonesian National Action Plan of OGP
  • Works independently and collaboratively with all team member and coalition members to plan other responsibilities include supporting communications activities, serving as liaison and representative at meetings, and establishing and maintaining partnerships to advance FOINI’s / OGI’s missions.
  • To manage all team members and other available resources to achieve all program milestones and proper budget allocation as well as to provide accountable and qualified reports.
  • To lead the program implementation in Central Kalimantan Province, Banten Province, Ambon City (Maluku Province), and Kendal Regency (Central Java Province)
III. Qualifications
1. Academic Requirements
  • Master / Bachelor degree in public policy, economics, management, communication, law, public administration, governments and other related areasor equivalent professional work experience in program management.
2. Experience and qualification
  • Minimum3(three)years of working experience as a Program Manager in a non-profit project (preferably international NGO)
  • Solid understanding on disclosure of public informationissuesand good governance
  • Show strong leadership and effective management skills to manage available resources and implementing partners. 
  • Ability to liaise and affiliate with government partners working in the area of programs
  • Ability to work under pressuredan meeting deadlines. 
  • Ability to work well in a cross cultural team and environment
  • Excellent communication and human relation skills
  • Proficieny in current computer office software
3. Languages
  • Fluency in oral and written English and Bahasa Indonesia

IV. Application Submission
Interested candidates should submit a CV and a covering letter clearly stating their relevant skills, experience, vacancy and professional references by e-mail to: info@pattiro.org 

Submission DEADLINE: 23 June 2013. On the subject of email / letter, write “Program Manager FOINI/OGP” Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted for further recruitment process.

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