
AEPI SSQ : Finance Adviser - Jakarta

Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia – School Systems and Quality (AEPI SSQ) COMPONENT TWO: Finance Adviser

Job Level and Professional Discipline Category:National position for an initial input of twelve months extendable by an additional 12 months.

Location:Jakarta, with travel within Indonesia as required

Reports to: Component 2 Manager, Quality Education

Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia (the Education Partnership) is currently the largest development assistance program funded by the Australian Government anywhere in the world. Through the Education Partnership Australia supports the Indonesian Government’s long-term strategy to strengthen and consolidate its national education system, with a particular focus on the current Indonesian five-year plan (2010 – 2014) and support for the initial stages of the subsequent five-year plan (2015 – 2019). The Education Partnership builds on the successes of previous Australian Government supports to the Indonesian education sector by strengthening government systems.  Under the Education Partnership, there are three managing contractors with the largest, School Systems and Quality (SSQ) contract, being  managed by Cardno Emerging Markets.

Each of the three SSQ-supported components is national in scope, supporting existing government structures and National Education Strategic Planning. Component 2 of the Education Partnership is mainly delivered through the Government of Indonesia’s systems using grant funding from Australia. The grant funding will be used to support the nationwide professional development of education personnel. Component 2 provides technical assistance to MoEC and MoRA as they implement training programs developed using AusAID funding under the Educational Partnership to develop the capacity of principals, supervisors and provincial and district education personnel.

Key Duties and Responsibilities
The Finance Adviser will work with MoEC personnel to assist them develop and implement processes and system to manage Grant Agreement funding and to prepare financial reports for the Staff Development Technical Oversight Group and AusAID. The Finance Adviser will need to ensure AusAID’s and Ministry of Finance (MoF) requirements for the management, utilisation and reporting of Grant Agreement funds are implemented by MoEC personnel.
The Adviser will be required to develop professional and productive working relationships with key counterparts at the Board of Education and Culture Human Resource Development and Education Quality Assurance (Badan PSDMPK & PMP) at the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA), MoF and AusAID. The Adviser will work as a member of a team of advisers in Component 2 supporting MoEC and MoRA.

The Adviser will report to the Manager Component 2 and will be responsible for:
  • Assisting MoEC personnel develop budgets for Grant Agreement activities
  • Assisting MoEC staff  develop and implement systems and processes to manage Grant Agreement finances
  • Monitoring financial management systems and the utilisation of funds and  providing advice to improve processes
  • Assisting MoEC prepare financial reports
  • Assisting MoEC monitor and report fraud
  • Advising AusAID on the effectiveness of MoEC financial management systems and processes, and their utilisation of Grant funding.
  • Assisting MoEC prepare for, conduct and manage internal control reviews and financial audits
  • Provide capacity building for MoEC staff in MS Excel, MS Word, MS Project and virus protection.
  • Monitor compliance with taxation requirements
  • Assist MoEC monitor and report fraud
  • Contributing to effective working relationships between MoEC, AusAID and the Education Partnership.
  • Preparing work plans and regular reports about achievements against agreed targets relating to the role.
  • Providing advice and assistance to AusAID personnel through the Component 2 Manager.
  • Other relevant duties as required.
Key Requirements for the Position
The Finance Adviser will require the following skills and experience:
  • Relevant tertiary qualifications in accounting, financial management, business management or related field.
  • At least 10 years practical experience in financial management and/or audit in the Indonesian public sector.
  • Experience in the preparation, management and monitoring of budgets.
  • Detailed understanding of and capacity to support the design and development of financial management systems and procedures within a public sector work environment.
  • Experience in preparing and analysing financial reports.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, and ability to liaise with stakeholders, particularly with Government of Indonesia counterparts and international education specialists.
  • Demonstrated capacity to work as part of team of professionals and contribute to the achievement of the team’s priorities.
  • Highly self-motivated and demonstrated capacity to work independently.
  • Capacity to communicate in English and Bahasa Indonesian
  • Advanced skills in MS EXCEL
How to Apply for This Position
  • Response against each of the Key requirements for the position
  • Curriculum vitae/resume.
  • Name and contact details (phone and email) of three referees.
Applications that do not address all the requirements stated above will not be considered.

Submitting Applications
By email: email your application with the reference "SSQ - Finance Adviser" in the subject line to  recruitment.emergingmarkets@cardno.com ; or On-line application. Go to www.cardno.com/careers  and search for this position. Click "Apply for this job" located at the end of the job description.

For enquiry, please email recruitment.emergingmarkets@cardno.com with reference "QUERY- SSQ Finance Adviser position".

Closing Date 5.00pm (Jakarta time), 26 June 2013.
Late applications will not be considered.

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