
Vacancy: PNDS - Senior Program Coordinator

Cardno Emerging Markets is seeking energetic and enthusiastic candidates to assist the Government of Timor-Leste with the National Program for Suco Development (Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku – PNDS). PNDS is an initiative of the Government of Timor-Leste, jointly managed by the Ministry of State Administration and Ministry of Finance, which aims to work with communities at the village level to help eliminate poverty by investing in community-driven infrastructure projects.

On 18 January 2012, the Timor-Leste Council of Ministers passed a resolution on a new mechanism to accelerate development in all sucos across the country. This mechanism will empower village communities to be directly involved in their own development through planning, construction and management of their own infrastructure. This mechanism will accelerate the development of infrastructure facilities at the village level as well as providing additional jobs and opportunities to rural communities. The mechanism will be known as the National Program for Suco Development or Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS).

AusAID is assisting the government to develop the PNDS through the provision of support services managed by Cardno Emerging Markets.

PNDS support services are seeking a suitably qualified *Senior Program Coordinator* in support of its program.

A copy of the Terms of Reference and Selection Criteria can be found in Cardno website, search for job opportunities and then type the name of the position as your keyword.

The objectives of this role are to:
  • Lead and manage the Design and Policy Unit of the PNDS Support Program.
  • Assist the PNDS Secretariat to manage inter-ministerial coordination and relationships.
  • Provide advice to the PNDS Secretariat on community-driven development, program policy and management issues.
  • Provide critical inputs to the Secretariat on the design, field testing and implementation of PNDS.
Other Requirements

Please refer to the TOR for selection criteria and how to apply.

Employee Benefits

Subject to final approval from AusAID, to be contracted for the period June 2013 to February 2014.


a) By email: email your application with the reference “PNDS – D01 - Senior Program Coordinator” in the subject line to* *recruitment@gfd.tl (*most preferred option*).

b) Hand delivery to:
Cardno Emerging Markets
Estrada Balide, Dili
(old Peace Dividend Trust building)

*For further information about this position: *

Email recruitment@gfd.tl with the reference “PNDS – D01 – Senior Program Coordinator” in the subject line. **

Closing date: 5.00pm Dili time 30 May 2013.

Late applications will not be considered.

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