
ECB Indonesia Consortium - Invitation to Submit Expression of Interest (Consulting)

ECB Indonesia Consortium - Final Evaluation Consultant

The Emergency Capacity Building (ECB) Project is global initiative implemented jointly by six international humanitarian organizations (CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, Mercy Corps, Oxfam GB, Save the Children, and World Vision International). ECB seeks to improve the speed, quality, and effectiveness of the humanitarian community’s emergency preparedness and response by building capacity at the field, organizational, and humanitarian sector levels for staff development, accountability, and disaster risk reduction. The global ECB project management has selected four countries (including Indonesia) and one region to implement the ECB Phase II field level project activities. In Indonesia, the ECB consortium consists of CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, Mercy Corps, Oxfam GB, Save the Children, International Medical Corps and World Vision Indonesia, with CRS as the lead agency. The Indonesia consortium also includes national partner Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (MPBI) or Indonesian Society for Disaster Management.

The ECB Phase II started in 2008 and shall officially end on August 14, 2013.  However, the ECB global team has informed the consortium that all ECB project activities at consortium level shall be completed by the end of June 2013.  During the project period, ECB Indonesia consortium has accomplished the project’ key activities, including the development of  the Joint Need Assessment (JNA) tools and methodology, development of the Consortium Disaster Response Engagement Protocol (DREP) – a guide for the ECB Indonesia consortium members for joint emergency response.  Under the DRR objective, the project has compiled and globally published Toward Resilience: A Guide to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), a very useful and handy book for humanitarian program practitioners to strengthen understanding of the basic approaches and principles on DRR and CCA initiatives. This guide has also been shared with ECB project stakeholders in Indonesia and translated into Bahasa Indonesia for easier use by local government, national NGOs and practitioners. Lastly, under the project objective of building staff capacity, in 2011 ECB Indonesia consortium has organized a series of training on Core Skill in Emergency Response, and Management and Leadership in Emergency Response, supported by the Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies and funded by ECHO. Similar series of training were again conducted in 2012. These trainings have reached out to 72 staffs of the ECB Indonesia members and their partners’ and staff of other INGOs operating in Indonesia.

In addition to the various outputs of the project described above, ECB project in Indonesia has strengthened good practices of collaboration, coordination and partnership amongst its members in Indonesia, as well as between ECB consortium and the other stakeholders (government, UN agencies, national NGOs, etc.), particularly during an emergency response situation.

With the ending of the Project in June 2013, ECB Indonesia consortium is currently looking for External Consultant to conduct a final evaluation to assess and review the project achievements against the stated objectives. A Scope of Work (SOW) for the consultant describing detail tasks and responsibility of the consultant will be developed separately.

Purpose of Consultancy:
The main purpose of the consultancy is to lead and facilitate the  evaluation of the 5- years ECB project implementation in In donesia,  with the objectives are:
  • To assess and analyze the general achievement of the project, particularly in regards to partnership and collaboration  in emergency response situation among and within the ECB consortium members.
  • To assess and analyze the achievements of the project objectives in regards to staff capacity, Disaster Risk Reduction and Coordination (with external stakeholders).
  • To assess and analyze any good practices and lessons that the consortium members learned from the 5-year project implementation, that may be brought forward to future similar approach or collaboration, or for replication elsewhere, and;
  • To assess challenges in the project implementation and opportunities for future similar programming and/or collaboration.
Work to be accomplished:
  • Study the terms of Reference for the ECB Indonesia project evaluation which is attached to and constitutes an integral part of  the scope of work
  • Develop and propose a work plan for the commencement of the evaluation, including schedule for interview with key project   stakeholders and other stakeholders external to ECB required by ECB consortium. 
  • Develop and the strategy, methodology and approach for the evaluation that are most appropriate given the objectives of the evaluation described above.
  • Develop and propose tools (questionnaires, matrix, framework, etc.) to implement the proposed strategy, methodology / approach. 
  • Develop and propose format for presentation of the evaluation findings
  • Present the initial findings of the evaluation to the ECB consortium for feedback.
  • Present and share the findings of the evaluation to ECB consortium and other stakeholders in the Learning Event scheduled for 26 June 2013 (date may change)
  • Develop a comprehensive evaluation report for submission to ECB consortium using format agreed upon and approved by ECB consortium.
  • Approved evaluation strategy, tools and work plan/schedule
  • Approved presentation material for the learning event
  • Approved final evaluation report
Place of Performance The consultancy will take place in Jakarta.

Period of Performance
The total period for the consultancy will be 10 days, inclusive of the 1 day for the Learning Event on 26 June 2013 (date may change).

Requirement and Qualification of the Consultant
  • Has broad experience in and excellent skill in project evaluation, particularly evaluation of humanitarian, capacity building  and DRR projects. . Knowledge of consortium – type project implementation will be an advantage
  • Broad knowledge of international Non – Government Organizations works in Indonesia and globally
  • Has excellent English language skill and proficiency (speaking and writing)
  • Has experience in and excellent report writing skill. 
  • Has excellent facilitation skill
For those who are qualified and interested in this consultancy work, please send your CV, along with your proposed flow of the agenda, and your consultancy rate to iwan.tarmizi@crs.org. and stated ECB Final Evaluation Consultant on the subject of your email. The closing date to submit your application for this position will be on 26th May 2013.   

"Only short-listed candidates will be contacted via e-mail/phone” 

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