
Asia Foundation seeks consultant on media strategy

*The Asia Foundation seeks Consultant on Media Strategy for the SETAPAK program*

*I. **Background *
With funding from the UK Climate Change Unit (UKCCU) in Indonesia, the Asia Foundation is implementing the SETAPAK program, which aims to improve governance of land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) in Indonesia. This 40-month program is part of a broader UKCCU initiative that aims to result in sustainable low-carbon economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions reduction in Indonesia. The Asia Foundation provides support to
national and local NGOs to carry out a combination of technical assistance and advocacy activities, thus working on both the ‘supply’ and ‘demand’ sides of good governance. The Asia Foundation is developing a media component for the SETAPAK program, in order to support program objectives of reducing deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions. Media, both
traditional (newspapers, TV, radio) and new (SMS, social media, blogs, video sharing) provides potential to support SETAPAK objectives in a number of ways. Support is needed for traditional media on knowledge about the links between poor governance and climate change and investigative journalism skills.

The rise of new media also provides new opportunities. A number of innovative SMS-based systems have been developed and tested in Indonesia, including the ‘*information broker*’ model developed in West Kalimantan. Various organizations have developed or are developing mechanisms to enable citizen monitoring of forest use, with SMS-reporting and GPS-tracking, sometimes using apps produced for iphone or Android platforms, and the
collation and presentation of data on websites. The uptake of Facebook and Twitter by millions of Indonesians represents a massive potential which is only beginning to be tapped by social activists. The internet and social media provide a platform for ‘*citizen journalism*’, so that those outside of the media sector can report and circulate important news and opinion.

New models for social accountability using the internet have been developed, including websites such as ‘*Ipaidabribe*’ and the ‘*Check My School*’ initiative from the Philippines. Online petitions are on the rise in Indonesia, with the establishment of the Indonesian branches of * change.org* and *Avaaz.org*.

A consultant is needed in order to advise the foundation on how to most effectively make use of these opportunities in order to achieve the program objectives.

*II. **Objective*
Analyze and make recommendations on how SETAPAK could utilize media (both traditional and new) to contribute to the achievement of program objectives (reducing deforestation and peatland degradation by improving governance of LULUCF).  Forest and land governance refers to the processes, mechanisms, rules and institutions for deciding how forests and land are managed to enable economic activities while ensuring adequate conservation or sustainable use.

Examples of improved governance under the program include: increased transparency of information about land use and forest conversion (improved public awareness, community-administered monitoring schemes, access to spatial planning processes, transparency of land conversion permits and EIA, etc.); increased accountability (community consultations/public
participation in land use decisions, how EIA informs decisions, analysis of budget utilization, etc.); policy framework and regulatory impact analysis (public consultation in law making); rule of law (monitoring of land use infractions, collecting evidence of corrupt practices, analyzing land conflicts and resolution, etc.).

*III. **Specific Tasks*
  • Review program documents (proposal, progress reports, logframe) and interview key program staff (director, program officers) in order to understand program objectives, program design, progress, and need for support from a media component;
  • Conduct a series of consultations (interview, FGDs, and/or workshops) with relevant organizations or individuals with experience in using media in social activism, including NGOs, media organizations, or others;
  • Formulate preliminary recommendations on:
    • What support Setapak should provide to traditional media at the provincial/district level;
    • How could Setapak make use of new media, possibly in coordination with traditional media, to achieve program goals. Analysis and recommendations should address, among other things, topics of :
      • Public awareness and participation
      • Social accountability tools
      • Citizen monitoring of forest use, and permitting
      • Advocacy for policy reform
      • Access to information on laws, spatial plans, permits, environmental impact analysis, etc.
      • Possibilities for galvanizing a broader movement on anti-deforestation and should cover specifically at least the following:
        • Mobile phone-based technology
        • SMS platforms
        • Websites
        • Facebook
        • Twitter
    • How these efforts could be implemented, including:
      • What additional activities existing Setapak partners could undertake;
      • What additional training might be needed by Setapak partners;
      • What new collaborations Setapak should consider;
      • Which potential candidate organizations could implement them;
      • Details on the design and steps needed for particular proposed projects.
This information should be presented in the form of ToRs for suggested activities wherever possible. For instance, for a proposed SMS system, the ToR should indicate how the system would be built and how it would function, including details on who would operate the system, how the information would be used, how this activity would relate to other SETAPAK
activities, and the human and other resources needed to make it work.
  • Present preliminary recommendations to the Foundation in order to receive feedback;
  • Revise report based on feedback received, conducting additional interviews, information gathering and analysis as required, and submit final report by the deadline.
*IV.  **Deliverables*
  • A workplan, detailing the consultations to be conducted, with timeline;
  • A first draft of the report, containing recommendations as detailed above;
  • Draft ToRs for new activities or collaborations recommended (at least three ToRs should be developed);
  • A presentation, to be delivered at the Foundation, of the first draft;
  • Final report, responding to inputs delivered by the Foundation;
  • Final ToRs for new activities or collaborations recommended.
*Deliverable Schedule*

*Due Date* Deliverable # 1 *April 1st, 2013* Deliverables #2, 3 and 4 *April 30th, 2013* Deliverables #5 and 6 *May 15th, 2013*

Consultant shall provide a written explanation to the Foundation, if a performance of any aspect of this contract will not be achieved according to the schedule. The explanation must include reasons for delay and propose a revised date for submission. The Foundation will respond to the extension request in writing.

*V.  **Level of Effort*

The consultancy is expected to require a maximum of 25 days work, between 15 March  – 15 May 2013.

*VI.  **Qualifications and professional experience.*
  • Understanding of environmental governance issues;
  • Significant experience in the media sector, including traditional media and new media;
  • Understanding of emerging technologies with mobile phones, applications, google datasets, twitter and SMS, etc.
  • Knowledge of media-related organizations in Indonesia, especially those with a focus on natural resource issues.
  • Experience with design of media strategy for development programs;
  • Ability to meet deadlines and the ability to work independently.
If interested, please submit a CV and a cover letter (explaining how you fit the selection criteria) to tafsetapak@tafindo.org by 8 March 2013. Please indicate ‘media consultant’
in the Subject Line.

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