
Scholarship Opportunity - Tsukuba University

Berikut info Exchange Program di Tsukuba University. Mohon untuk dapat di bantu publikasikan.
Mohon diinformasikan kepada mahasiswa S2/S3 yg berminat untk ikut program exchange di Universitas Tsukuba, Japan. Seleksi akan dilakukan oleh Iinternational Cooperation Office. Bagi yg berminat silakan berkirim email ke lbprastdp@yahoo.com

Dear Prof. Lilik (CC: Dr. Ellyn and Dr. Hotta)
Attachment is the Application Form of Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation
(SISF), former Sato Foundation.

Please also refer: http://sisf.or.jp/eng/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=36.

Qualifications of applicants are:
  • To satisfy the MoU between IPB and UT 
  • GPA 3.0 or above 
  • To attend the events organized by the Foundation 
  • To have clear objectives to study abroad 
  • No other scholarships 
  • No doctoral degree 
  • To study in Japan from Sep or Oct 2013 for more than 6 months up to 10 months

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