Consultant for the development of a Father’s Role Communication Toolkit Book V1.0
1 (One) Position based in Jakarta
In Indonesia, Pneumonia is the second killer for children under five. This problem poses challenges on geographical disparities, lack of knowledge of pneumonia, poor quality of care that causes children to die due to preventable causes. In the context of these conditions, Indonesia was selected as one of nine as a beacon country to carry out a program of Pneumonia Centenary Commitment (PCC) that initiated by SCI as an effort to overcome Childhood pneumonia through behavior change campaign.
With awarded grant from SCHK Pneumonia Centenary Commitment (PCC), YSTC will focus on behavior change campaign on childhood pneumonia. The first step in implementing campaign activities was conducted the situation analysis in the districts of Bandung and Sumba Barat from September-November 2018. The research described problem identification, frameworks, target audiences, key messages, channels and communication products, and schedule of campaign activities. The results of the research were in the form of a book of Childhood Pneumonia Communication Strategy which contains interesting findings to assist in developing communication strategies through behavior change campaigns to overcome childhood pneumonia that refers to the main global components namely Protect, Prevent and Treat. This book also includes recommendations for designing childhood pneumonia campaign activities (Communication Mix) with objectives to raise awareness of the target audience about childhood pneumonia: what is childhood pneumonia and understand the signs of pneumonia, know how to prevent pneumonia and have the ability to respond when exposed to pneumonia.
One of childhood pneumonia campaign activities (Communication Mix) in 2020 in Q1 and Q2 is developing behavior change campaign materials in printing, audio/video and online media. The approach that is the main concern in packaging campaign messages is more visual, more data in infographic, audio/video animation and adopting multimedia technology that can be accessed through various media in message packaging so that messages are more easily understood by the target audience. One of target audience which was targeted is a Father. A book printing media, will be developed, namely a Father’s Role Communication Toolkit Book V1.0. This book will help a father as one of the main actors to support mother and children health in the family.
YSTC will recruit individual consultant to develop a father’s role Communication Toolkit Book V1.0 and also design layout visual “Look & Feel”. All results will be consulted with the YSTC, MOH and CSO coalitions.
Objective of Consultancy
The objective of the consultancy is to produce a father’s role in Communication Toolkit Book V1.0
Objective of Campaign
The objective of campaign:
- Aims to enhance communications efforts by developing a father communication plan and communicating effectively for a father.
- It is intended to be a reference guide to support in crafting strong messages, maximizing efforts with traditional and social media, and measuring results.
- Raise awareness of the target audience about childhood pneumonia that refers to the main global components namely Protect, Prevent and Treat.
- Final Content and Layout Design of a father’s role in Communication Toolkit Book V1.0 A4-size book.
- Raw Material in Adobe Indesign file.
The selected consultant agrees to do works as follow:
- Discuss with YSTC team to develop consultancy detail plan.
- Develop the content of books teks, visual (photo/infographic/illustration) through consultation with the YSTC team.
- Design layout look & feel of the book
- Finalize books after present a final version to YSTC, MOH and CSO coalitions.
- Has experience in working or connection with child health,
- Has expertise and skills writing book communication toolkit.
- Has expertise and skills in design layout look & feel of user-friendly A4-size book in Adobe Indesign.
- Communicative, motivated, dedicated and eager to learn something new.
Candidate who interested to apply, please submit documents as follow:
- Letter of interest and consultancy rate per day.
- Updated CV
- Example(s) of the campaign that had been developed.
Closing date for application is up to April 9th, 2020
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)