
Lentera Prevalensi Nusantara Job Vacancy: Animal Health Surveillance Lead Officer, Jakarta

Lentera Prevalensi Nusantara Job Vacancies 2020

Lentera Prevalensi Nusantara (Prevalence) an Indonesian consultant company working in the area of epidemiology, disease surveillance, research and data analysis, and health information systems.

Currently, the company is working under the coordination of UK’s Fleming Fund Indonesian Country Grant project, implemented by DAI, to address critical gaps in the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance bacteria in Indonesia, focusing on strengthening the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Usage (AMU) surveillance systems in both the human and animal health sectors. The project seeks to facilitate a stronger One Health approach to surveillance, bringing together multi-sectoral stakeholders to share surveillance data and gain a better understanding of AMR and AMU.

For this project, Prevalence is looking for an: ANIMAL HEALTH SURVEILLANCE LEAD OFFICER

The duty station will be in Jakarta and the position is due to start as soon as possible, going through to September 2021.

  • Degree in animal health or equivalent professional experience
  • Training in epidemiology (at university or work-based training)
Required technical skills and experiences
  • At least 10 years’ experience in the animal health sector in Indonesia
  • Basic knowledge of AMR
  • Familiarity with the structure of animal production and animal health services in Indonesia (including aquaculture)
  • Experience in interviewing stakeholders and reporting findings as a part of stakeholder consultations
  • Experience in designing and implementing surveys
  • Experience in delivering training courses
  • Familiarity with the use of electronic health information systems for routine work
  • Familiarity with One Health concepts and principles
  • Confident and experienced in working across sectors and across disciplines (e.g. human health, animal health, public sector, private sector)
  • Professional competency in English
  • Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia
  • Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Desired Skills and experience
  • Familiarity with principles of laboratory information management systems
  • Formal training in AMR (e.g. through participation in workshops and training programs focused on AMR)
  • Experience in working in animal health surveillance
  • Experience in implementing One Health projects
  • Experience with the Animal Health Information System in Indonesia
Tasks and responsibilities
Under the supervision of and with significant support from Ausvet technical advisors, the officer will:
  • Support the establishment of animal health and multisectoral working groups for AMR
  • Take part in a range of AMR technical working group meetings (animal and human health, multisectoral) and symposia
  • Interview a wide range of key stakeholders in animal health across sectors (government, private and international/NGO) to understand the needs and capacities for conducting surveillance of antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance, including in laboratories, in livestock and aquaculture production, and in animal health services
  • Draft reports summarising the capacity for AMR surveillance, integrating findings and recommendations for animal health with those in public health
  • Develop a 2-year AMR surveillance plan for animal health and aquatic animal health sector, and harmonize and integrate with equivalent plans for public health AMR surveillance
  • Communicate with and report to Ausvet and other consortium partners
  • Communicate with key national and international stakeholders (including, for example, briefing notes, in-person meetings, workshop presentations, and other activities)
Interested applicants are requested to submit their CV and application to contact@prevalensi.com by 22 January 2020 at the latest.

Please ensure to write the position you are applying for in the subject line of your e-mail.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.