
Islamic Relief Call for Proposal For Research on Liquefaction At Jono Oge, Mpanau and Lolu Village Sigi District, Central Sulawesi

Term of Reference
Call for Proposal For Research on Liquefaction At Jono Oge, Mpanau and Lolu Village Sigi District, Central Sulawesi

Islamic Relief Worldwide is an independent humanitarian and development organisation with a presence in over 40 countries around the globe. Islamic Relief Worldwide is a UK based International relief. We have been fighting poverty and injustice for 30 years, in a world in which over three billion people still live in poverty.

Country Purpose:
Islamic Relief Worldwide in Indonesia was operation since 2003 following the MOU signing With the Ministry of Home Affairs. The objective of IRW in Indonesia programme is to Contribute to the social welfare of the Indonesia people and to alleviate the suffering. The main sector for the programme include:
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Sustainable livelihood
  • Education
  • Child Welfare
  • Shelter
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
  • Health and Nutrition
The geographical area are Banten, NTB, Aceh and Central Sulawesi province with the operation directly Implementing or through partners.

Research Call for Proposal
This Term of Reference is made to seek qualified researcher(s) on liquefaction in the area where Islamic relief and the District Disaster Management Agency is now implementing DRR project in Central Sulawesi focusing on building community resilience against the future shock caused by natural disasters. The researcher will be responsible in carrying out desirable outputs as described below:

Job name: Research on village-based liquefaction and micro zonation mapping Job Type : Consultancy

Base: Palu – Central Sulawesi Province Reporting Line : DRR Coordinator - Palu

Contract Period: Base on Activity

Location of Research: Jono Oge Village, Mpanau Village and Lolu Village

Key Duties & Responsibilities of Consultant:
  • Develop methodology of research with comprehensive references;
  • Conduct the research;
  • Identify and conclude the liquefaction triggering factors with deep analyses and develop the scenario for the potential future liquefaction with measurable calculation;
  • Develop micro zonation mapping for liquefaction potential in the targeted villages with clear demarcation of safe and potential hazard zones up to sub-village level based on its potential severity (Red, Amber, Green zone);
  • Consult with the key stakeholders including the national and sub-national disaster management agencies to seek legal permission for the research;
  • Consult with the communities living in the three targeted villages to seek for their participation during the research process to ensure their sense of belonging;
Produce report on research findings after having thorough consultation 7. with the key stakeholders: communities, national and sub-national disaster management agencies, and other relevant bodies.

  • Organization of research / Higher Institution / Research Individuals
  • Having previous experiences in liquefaction research.
  • Expertise in geology, geophysics and land science.
  • Owning equipment for liquefaction research.
  • Having previous experiences in collaborative work with humanitarian organizations will be an advantage
Islamic Relief is a faith based-non government organization that respects diversity and Inclusiveness. Applicants from diverse religions, gender, race, and physical impairment are Encouraged to apply.

All Islamic Relief team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, Specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the Design, monitoring and evaluation of our field project.

How to apply:
Please send only your application letter and CV to the email address: procurement@islamicrelief.or.id

Applications directly submitted to Islamic Relief Indonesia Office will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

The deadline for submitting applications is: 17 January 2020