
SNV World Job Vacancy: WASH in Health Care Facilities, Jakarta - Indonesian

SNV is looking for: Consultancy for the development of a strategy for improved WASH conditions in Health Care Facilities

SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation that focuses on increasing people incomes and access to basic services in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Agriculture, and Renewable Energy. By connecting our global expertise with longstanding in-country presence, we help realise locally-owned solutions in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Established in 1965 in the Netherlands, our projects directly benefit millions of people (4.4M in 2018). SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor.

SNV understands safe sanitation and hygiene services as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. With Indonesia urbanization rate at 2.3% (World Bank, 2018), a failure to invest in urban sanitation will become a barrier for almost any development in the country. Access to sanitation is a human right and governments are the duty bearers of progressive realisation of this right. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 6 and the 2020-2024 RPJMN, Indonesia is committed to work towards universal access to safely managed sanitation services, this means services for all and addressing the safety of the entire sanitation chain from access to safe disposal or re-use.

Through the Dutch Government funded WASH SDGs programme, SNV supports local governments of Bandar Lampung & Metro Cities in Lampung Province and Tasikmalaya City in West Java Province in achieving sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation services, in line with national programmes and targets. Together, we change the way human waste is managed by addressing different needs among the population, different parts of the sanitation service chain, and different geographical areas with appropriate service delivery models.

Through this consultancy, SNV WASH SDGs programme aims to assist the governments of Bandar Lampung, Metro and Tasikmalaya to improve WASH conditions in Health Care facilities, with the findings also aiming to support evidence based advocacy efforts at the national level.

The specific objectives and the scopes of the consultancy work are:
  1. To examine the comprehensiveness of the existing regulations and parameters for WASH in Health Care facilities in Indonesia, in comparison with the good practices established internationally. These should take as primary reference the JMP/WHO definitions of indicators for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste management and environmental cleaning. A mapping of the existing gaps is to be provided.
  2. Using available data and collecting additional one with key stakeholders, examine the constraints preventing good conditions to be in place. Opportunities are also to be identified. This examination should include regulations, institutional arrangements, technical parameters, financial and human capacity, monitoring mechanisms and pay attention to issues of gender and social inclusion.
  3. Based on the data and related analysis, develop a strategy to improve the WASH conditions in health facilities. The strategy is to have two levels: i) a high level strategy, targeting the elements that require improvement at the national level; ii) a localized strategy for each of the targeted cities, identifying short term, medium term and long term initiatives to improve WASH conditions in health carefacilities
  4. To present and discuss the strategy (at both levels) with the relevant stakeholders, collect feedback and incorporate it in the final version.
  1. The consultancy will include assessments and consultation meetings at the national level (Jakarta)
  2. The consultancy will include assessments and consultation meetings in Bandar Lampung, Metro and Tasikmalaya
  3. Data analysis and report writing can be done remotely though regular meetings are expected with SNV team in Jakarta (Kemang)
The expected deliverables from the selected consultant are:
  1. Methodology, detailed assessment protocol, and work plan; by end of week 1
  2. One preliminary report with key findings, by end of week 6
  3. One preliminary strategy based on the findings, by end of week 7
  4. A final report (following review by SNV and incorporation of the feedback), by end of week 9
  5. A final strategy (that incorporates the feedback of relevant stakeholders), by end of week 9
The research period is approximately 9 weeks and may be started from the 18th November 2019 (or as soon as possible upon consultant appointment and contract assignment)

Consultant(s) is/are expected to have at least:
  1. Highly qualified credentials (masters level minimum and 7 years experience) in public health/health (or relevant academic background). Experience in the health sector in Indonesia is mandatory.
  2. Sound understanding of the WASH conditions that need to be observed in health care facilities to ensure safety for users and professionals
  3. Sound experience with public health sector, including institutional arrangements and organization and monitoring mechanisms
  4. Proven track record in comprehensive research methods, both quantitative and qualitative, including guiding structured interviews, assessments and consultation processes
  5. Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and ability to write comprehensively a report in English
Please send the application documents as follow:
  1. Preliminary technical and financial proposal
  2. CV of the team members
  3. Research references
to indonesia-procurement@snv.org by 12th November 2019 with the subject WASH in Health Care Facilities.